Mechanical Properties of a Low-thermal-expansion Aluminum/Silicon Composite Produced by Powder Metal

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcxlllwho
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Al matrix composite containing high volume fraction silicon has been promising candidate for lightweight and low-thermal-expansion components.Whereas,optimization of its mechanical properties still is an open challenge.In this article,a flexile powder metallurgy processing was used to produce a fully dense Al—4.0Cu(wt%) alloy composite reinforced with 65 vol.%Si particles.In this composite,Si particles were homogenously distributed,and the particle size was refined to the range of 3—15 μm.Tensile and flexural strength of the composite were 282 and 455 MPa,respectively,about 100%and 50%higher than the best properties reported in literature.The measured fracture toughness of the composite was 4.90 MPa m~(1/2).The improved strength of 65%Si/AI was attributed to the optimized particle characteristics and matrix properties.This investigation is expected to provide a primary understanding of the mechanical behaviors of Si/AI composites,and also promote the structural applications of this low-thermal-expansion material. Al matrix composite containing high volume fraction silicon has been promising candidates for lightweight and low-thermal-expansion components. Hereas, optimization of its mechanical properties still is an open challenge.In this article, a flexile powder metallurgy processing was used to produce a fully dense Al-4.0Cu (wt%) alloy composite reinforced with 65 vol.% Si particles.In this composite, Si particles were homogenously distributed, and the particle size was refined to the range of 3-15 μm. Sensile and flexural strength of the composite were 282 and 455 MPa, respectively, about 100% and 50% higher than the best properties reported in literature. The measured fracture toughness of the composite was 4.90 MPa m ~ (1/2). The improved strength of 65% Si / AI was attributed to the optimized particle characteristics and matrix properties. This investigation is expected to provide a primary understanding of the mechanical behaviors of Si / AI composites, and also promote the structural applications of thi s low-thermal-expansion material.
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