
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushanxue
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笔者对63例不同疾病的新生儿患者,用上海医学化验所生产的血C 反应蛋白(CRP)胶乳试剂,在发病后的不同时期进行了CRP 的检测,结果分析如下。63例均系本院住院病儿,男35例,女28例。发病一周内检测CRP50例,其中感染性疾病33例,阳性10例(败血症4/6例,肺炎2/10例,肠炎、脐炎、上感及皮肤感染各1例),占30.3%;非感染性疾病17例,均为阴性(高胆红素血症9例、重症窒息和营养不良各4例)。一周后检测13例,感染性疾病8例,阳性3例;非感染性疾病5例,阳性3例。根据病因和发 The author of 63 cases of different diseases in neonatal patients with the Shanghai Medical Laboratory produced by blood C-reactive protein (CRP) latex reagent, CRP was detected at different stages of the disease, the results are as follows. 63 cases were hospitalized sick children in our hospital, 35 males and 28 females. Fifty cases of CRP were detected within one week of onset, including 33 cases of infectious diseases, 10 cases were positive (4/6 cases of sepsis, 2/10 cases of pneumonia, 1 case of enteritis, omphalitis, upper flu and skin infection), accounting for 30.3% Infectious diseases in 17 cases were negative (hyperbilirubinemia in 9 cases, 4 cases of severe asphyxia and malnutrition). A week later, 13 cases were detected, 8 cases of infectious disease, 3 cases were positive; 5 cases of non-infectious disease, 3 cases were positive. According to the cause and hair
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本文报道一种选择性Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley(MPV)型还原体系.在Sm(OCH_2R)_3(5%)/RCH_2OH/4A molecular sieves(MS 4A)(R=CH_3,CH_3CH_2)催化下,该体系对醛、酮碳基具有优
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