
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pw1
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患者男,27岁,因胸痛1年、加重1月以“纵隔肿瘤”入院。查:BP128/80mmHg,P112次/分,无发绀及呼吸困难,颈部未见血管怒张及异常搏动,气管偏右、甲状腺不大。胸廓对称,左胸第3肋以下叩浊,心界叩不清。心前区无震颤,心尖搏动在左锁骨中线外1cm。心律齐,未闻杂音。四肢肌力正常。X线片为左胸腔包块,B超提示左胸腔实质性肿块。木中见肿瘤占据左胸腔,将左肺推向左后上方。肿瘤与纵隔及左侧心包疏松粘连,与肺无粘连。完整切除肿瘤。患者术后10天痊愈出院,随访3年无复发。病理巨检为黄白色分叶状肿块,27×12×12cm,重2,7009,表面被有完整纤维包膜。剖面实性,大部分为淡黄色柔软区域,其间夹杂灰 The patient male, 27 years old, was admitted to hospital with a “mediastinal tumor” due to chest pain for 1 year and aggravation for 1 month. Check: BP128/80mmHg, P112 beats/min, no cyanosis and dyspnea, no vascular engorgement and abnormal beat in the neck, right trachea, and small thyroid gland. Thoracic symmetry, left thoracic turbidity below the third rib, the heart boundary is unclear. There was no tremor in the precordial area, and the apex beat 1cm outside the midline of the left clavicle. Heart rhythm, no noise. Limb muscle strength is normal. The X-ray film was a left thoracic mass, and B-mode ultrasound showed a solid mass in the left thoracic cavity. In the wood, the tumor occupies the left chest cavity and pushes the left lung to the left and back. The tumor was loosely adhered to the mediastinum and left pericardium, and there was no adhesion to the lungs. Completely remove the tumor. The patient was discharged from the hospital 10 days after surgery and no recurrence was found after 3 years of follow-up. The pathological examination was yellow-white lobulated mass, 27 × 12 × 12cm, weight 2,7009, and the surface was covered with intact fibers. The solidity of the section, most of which is light yellow soft area with gray inclusions
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