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根据1970年美国人口调查和第三次国家癌症调查九个地区的资料,按不同性别,不同经济收入水平,对35—64岁美国白人喉、食管、口与牙龈的鳞状上皮癌和肺的鳞癌,小细胞癌及腺癌分别进行了统计分析。上述各种类型的癌症,男性的发病率均高于女性,两性的发病率之比随年龄增加而增大(尤其是喉和肺的鳞癌)。在男性,收入水平与各种癌之间都有一个很强的反向关系,而在女性,这种关系仅见于口与牙龈、食管的鳞癌及肺的小细胞癌(见表1,表2)。一些调查表明,男性吸烟者在教育水平和职业状况相对低下的人群中更为普 According to the 1970 U.S. census and the third national cancer survey in nine regions, according to different genders, different levels of economic income, for squamous cell carcinoma and lungs of 35-64-year-old white American throat, esophagus, mouth, and gums. Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma were statistically analyzed. In all of the above types of cancer, the incidence of men is higher than that of women. The ratio of the incidence of both sexes increases with age (especially squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and lungs). In men, there is a strong inverse relationship between income levels and various types of cancer. In women, this relationship is found only in the oral and gingival, squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, and small cell lung cancer (see Table 1, Table 2). Some surveys have shown that male smokers are more common among people with relatively low levels of education and occupational status.
在我国,CT 用于肝脏疾病的诊断迄今已四年余。兹将我院用 Pfizer 公司0450型扫描机进行的400例肝脏 CT 检查结果(附表)报告分析如下: In China, CT has been used for diag
多形性腺瘤又名混合瘤,多发生于涎腺,原发于涎腺之外特别是位于鼻腔内的多形性腺瘤更为少见。今将作者遇到一例报告如下: The pleomorphic adenomas, also known as mixed
例1 女,25岁,工人,未婚。渐进性鼻阻塞、间隙性涕中带血6月,加重1月,于1978年4月8日来院门诊。查见右尖齿凹处似有乒乓感,X线检查示右上颌窦昏暗,内侧壁骨质增生。初诊为右
1970年 Arslan 和 Serafini 首次试用喉再造成功,即喉切除后将气管、咽吻合以形成新喉。由空气振动新喉口粘膜皱襞产生声音。新喉发出的音调低沉清晰具有方言特色,不必训练
小肠良性肿瘤临床上比较少见,本院收治1例空肠脂肪瘤引起肠套迭诱发膈疝,经手术治愈,现报告如下。男患,50岁,住院号:812408 因腹部突发性疼痛,频繁呕吐伴肛门停止排气一天,