Duodenal tuberculosis presenting as gastric outlet obstruction:A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a568420740
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Gastric outlet obstruction is commonly associated with malignancies and peptic ulcer disease. However, when no malignancy is seen and the patient is nonresponsive to conventional peptic ulcer treatment, other etiologies need to be explored. We report a case of gastric outlet obstruction due to duodenal tuberculosis. The patient is a 31 year old male who presented with 1 year history of recurrent epigastric pain and an a cute episode of vom iting. Endoscopy revealed duodenal stricture. Computed tomography scan showed pyloro antral thickening. The patient was referred to the surgery service and underwent an exp lor atory laparotomy and gastrojejunostomy. A duodenal mass and calcified lymph nodes were noted on exploration and biopsy revealed a tuberculous origin. The patient was started on anti-tuberculosis medications and had impro ved on discharge. Gastroduodenal tuber culosis is rare and pyloric stenosis resulting from tuber culosis is even rarer. This, however, should be consid ered in patien ts who come from areas where the dise ase is endemic. However, when no malignancy is seen and the patient is nonresponsive to conventional peptic ulcer treatment, other etiologies need to be explored. We report a case of gastric outlet obstruction due to duodenal tuberculosis . The patient is a 31 year old male who presented with 1 year history of recurrent epigastric pain and an a cute episode of vom iting. Endoscopy revealed duodenal stricture. Computed tomography scan showed pyloro antral thickening. The patient was referred to the surgery service and underwent an exp lor atory laparotomy and gastrojejunostomy. A duodenal mass and calcified lymph nodes were noted on exploration and biopsy revealed a tuberculous origin. The patient was started on anti-tuberculosis medications and had impro ved on discharge. Gastroduodenal mass and calcified lymph nodes were noted on exploration and biologic stenosis resulting from tuber culosis is even rarer. This, however, should be consid ered i n patien ts who come from areas where the dise ase is endemic.
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