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公司在决定是否配置Weblog时更多的是取决于策略,而不是与软件配置相关的技木问题。许多保守的公司都认为Weblog太不正式,并且太不易控制,不能排除一些安全隐患。 Weblog,也即Blog的简称,也就是允许多个用户将文本轻易地粘贴到Web网站上的一种技术,并且让最新贴的贴子在最上面,Weblog已经出现了好些年,但只是最近才受到广泛关注,并且它正在向企业界进军。 一些公司已经在内部网或外部网的交流上配置了blog。尽管到目前为 Companies are more dependent on tactics in deciding whether or not to configure Weblogs, not on the technical issues related to software configuration. Many conservative companies think Weblog is too informal and too difficult to control and can not rule out some security risks. Weblog, also known as a blog, is a technique that allows multiple users to easily paste text into a Web site, with the latest post on top, Weblog has been around for years, but only recently Widespread attention, and it is marching into the business community. Some companies have configured blogs on intranet or extranet exchanges. Although so far
The dynamic mechanical behaviors of the Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni8Be22.5Fe2 bulk metallic glass (BMG) during continuous heating at a constant rate were investigated. The
20世纪末,当人们把视线转向长三角、珠三角时,少有人注意到中部,他正在慢慢地下陷,不是他的脚步慢了,而是别人的脚步快了! 2006年5月,一个以“营销改变中部,营销改变中国”为
Yesterday was Father’s Day.I had planned to give my father a present,so I went to a store after lunch.I looked around the store and finally choose1a razor for
The effective elastic thickness(Te) represents the thickness of the elastic layer or the flexural rigidity of the lithosphere, the equivalent of which can be ca