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对2002年的消费需求而言,从政策层面上看,存在着一些有利因素:首先,2002年汽车关税和价格将大幅度下降。根据规定,2002年1月1日起,排量3升以下的进口轿车的关税税率将由目前的70%降到43.8%,降幅26.2%;排量3升以上的进口轿车的关税税率将由目前的80%降到50.7%,降幅29.3%。关税的大幅度下调,导致进口轿车的降价幅度远远超出早先只有一二万元的预期。业内人士认为,2002年进口车的价格平均会降10%,而价位在二三十万元的进口车将下降15%或16%。可以预期的是,进口汽车价格的大幅度下降还将带动国内汽车厂商的跟进降价。此外,根据“入世”后金融业开放的时间表,自2001年12月11日起,外资非银行金融机构可以按照中国人民银行公布的有关管理办法的规定,申请设立独资或合资汽车金融服务公司,办理汽车消费信贷业务。这两项措施的出台,有可能将一部分蕴藏已久的汽车消费潜力释 For the consumer demand in 2002, there are some favorable factors at the policy level: First, in 2002, the tariffs and prices of automobiles will drop drastically. According to regulations, from January 1, 2002 onwards, the import taxis 3 liters displacement below the import duty rate will be reduced from the current 70% to 43.8%, down 26.2%; displacement of more than 3 liters of imported cars tariff rates from the current 80% down to 50.7%, a drop of 29.3%. The drastic reduction of tariffs has led to the price cut of imported cars far exceeding the expectation of only 120,000 yuan. According to the insiders, the average price of imported cars in 2002 will drop 10% while that of imported cars at 200,000 to 300,000 yuan will drop 15% or 16%. It can be expected that a substantial decline in the price of imported cars will also drive the domestic auto manufacturers to follow up the price cuts. In addition, according to the schedule for opening up the financial sector after the accession to the WTO, since December 11, 2001, foreign-funded non-bank financial institutions may apply for the establishment of wholly-owned or joint-venture automobile finance in accordance with the relevant administrative measures promulgated by the People’s Bank of China Service companies, for car consumer credit business. The introduction of these two measures is likely to be part of the long-awaited car consumption potential release
蒋晓云 (196 3- ) ,男 ,广西全州县人 ,理学学士 ,副教授 ,系主任 ,桂林市“2 1世纪园丁工程”导师。曾担任过《高等代数》、《数学分析》、《数学模型 )、《常微分方程》、
本刊讯近日,在北大中国经济研究中心举行的第五届中国经济年会上,来自北京大学的林毅夫教授、央行的易纲教授、美国国家经济研究局主席马丁·费德斯坦(Martin Feldstein)教
根据灰色局势决策原理,提出一种优选石油钻机的方法。结合实例进行优选,得到满意的结果。与其它方法的对比表明,该方法具有计算简便、分析直观等特点。 According to the pr