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在中央电视台第407期的《正大综艺》中,有一组辨别真伪的提问。其中的一道命题是,在瑞士的国际列车上,乘务员的背包都是长背带。在展示答案时,五位嘉宾中有四位选择这一命题为正确。主持人并未就此罢休,而是追问各位嘉宾选择正确的理由。嘉宾们的陈述虽不统一,但... CCTV No. 407 in the “Zhengda Arts”, there is a set of questions to distinguish authenticity. One of the propositions is that the flight attendant’s backpack is a long strap on an international train in Switzerland. When presenting the answer, four of the five guests chose this proposition as correct. The host did not stop there, but asked the distinguished guests to choose the right reasons. Although the guest’s statement is not uniform, but ...
Two selective V1 and V2 receptor antagonists of arginine vasopressin, d (CH_2)_5 Tyr (Me) AVP and d (CH_2)_5 [D-Ile~2, Ile~2, Ala~9-NH_2] AVP, were given intra
冲剂的粒度,按中国药典(1990年版)规定“不能通过一号筛和能通过四号筛的颗粒和 The particle size of granules, as stipulated in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (1990 edit
依据哮喘诊断标准,笔者对58例住院治疗的支气管哮喘患者进行调查,其中首次发作者8例,复发50例,57例好转出院,1例死亡。 1 心理因素对哮喘的影响 1.1 气候与发作 以一天内大
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在东非、南非和中非,人们将萝摩科植物华特蒙萝(Mondia whytei(Hook,f. Skeels)的块根磨成粉放在麦片粥、啤酒、汤和茶里口服作为一种性兴奋剂,同时还用来治疗食欲减退、血