陕西海泰电子有限责任公司是以酉安精密机械研究所法人为董事长组建的一家股份合作制公司,1998年6月经西安市科委正式认定为高新技术企业。作为美国国家仪器公司(National Instruments Corp.,简称NI)在大陆唯一的一家系统联盟成员,公司专门从事虚拟仪器的研究、开发与销售并负责在大陆全面推广NI的虚拟仪器产品和技术。自1997年9月1日NI发布PXI规范以来,公司在PXI技术研究与应用推广等方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,于1998年正式成为PXI系统联盟具有投票权的22家执行成员之一,也是国内目前唯一加入该联盟的一家企业。
Shaanxi Haitai Electronics Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock cooperative company established by the chairman of Lu’an Institute of Precision Machinery as the chairman of the board and was officially recognized as a high-tech enterprise by the Xi’an Science and Technology Commission in June 1998. As a member of the National Instruments Corp. (NI), the only company in the mainland, the company specializes in the research, development and sales of virtual instruments and is responsible for the full promotion of NI’s virtual instrument products and technologies in the mainland. Since September 1, 1997, NI released the PXI specification, the company has done a lot of effective work in PXI technology research and application promotion, and in 1998 became one of the 22 executive members with voting rights in the PXI System Alliance. The only company in the country currently joining the alliance.