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  Today, summer and winter action sports from wakeboarding[水上滑板] to snowboarding, surfing to superpipe skiing, mean business. Big business. You can see them featured in TV commercials[广告], movies and magazine ads. And you can definitely[无疑地] find skateboard at the local skatepark. Skateboarding used to be punk[不良的]. Today, it's normal.
  Kids like the freedom to do what they want to do; no coaches, no strict practice regimen[正规训练] ?and it's an artistic[艺术的] pursuit[追求] as much as a sport. There's no sitting in the outfield[外场] waiting for something to happen. Perhaps that is why skateboarding has become a $5.7-billion a year industry in apparel[衣服] and equipment sales.
  But it's not just skateboarding that has made inroads[侵入]. Last May, the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association released a study of extreme[极限] sports participation. In-line skating ranks No.1 among 12 with 17.3-million. Skateboarding (11.5-million) is second, snowboarding (7.6-million) fifth, wakeboarding (2.8-million) eighth and BMX biking (2.6-million) ninth.
  One of the things that appeals to kids is the lack of emphasis[强调] on competition. There is, however, a need to excel[优秀]. Most of the participants don't compete. They go out and skate and surf and snowboard, or whatever, and do it just for fun. They do it to express themselves.
  In addition, action sports are linked[连接的] to youth fashion ?heightening the sense of identification[辨识].
  There are a lot of people getting into action sports who are considered so-called mainstream[主流] kids because they like the fashion or they want to be a part of the lifestyle. In more traditional sports, they play because of the sport itself or because it's offered in school. With action sports, it's part of what they want to be identified with.
  In June, Label Networks conducted a skateboard-related study of people aged between 13 and 25 in North America. The majority, 32.2 percent, said skateboarding's appeal is tied to the lifestyle associated[关联的] with the sport.
  The company also has tracked the growing popularity of Western lifestyle and trends, including skateboarding, in China. This was certainly evident when American skateboarder Danny Way, 31, made international news by leaping[跳跃] 70 feet over China's Great Wall, propelled[推进] at 55 mph by the largest skateboard ramp[坡道] ever built.
  Of course, without network TV exposure, the genre would have remained in the shadows. As if gets more exposure, more parks are built and more kids are introduced to it. The upward trend look set to continue.
  今年6月,标记网络公司对北美洲13岁至25岁的人进行了一项关于滑板的调查。大部分人,其比例为32.2 %,说滑板的吸引力和与这项运动有关的生活方式有所联系。
[摘要]本文揭示了当前创业教育中存在的主要问题,分析了基于问题式学习在创业教育中的运用情况,并根据创业教育的内容,着重探讨了创业教育PBL模式中问题的实质、来源和设计原则。  [关键词]基于问题学习(PBL) 创业教育  [中图分类号]G64 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005—5843(2007)03—0060—03  [作者简介]黎赔肆,南华大学经济管理学院讲师(湖南衡阳 42100
[摘要]近年来,许多师范学校的升格或转型与20世纪20年代“高师改大”运动中师范学校的转型有诸多相似之处。分析当时南北高师的改革和发展,对当今高师的改革具有重要的现实意义。  [关键词]高等师范学校转型  [中图分类号]G649.29 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005—5843(2007)03—0056—04  [作者简介]吕春辉,复旦大学高教所硕士生(上海 200433)    近些年
[摘要]本文应用SWOT模型分析法,对知识经济时代工程硕士专业学位教育的内部因素和外部环境进行了全面系统的分析。基于SWOT分析结果,针对工程硕士的教育思想观念、培养与管理体制、教师队伍建设和国际合作等方面构建工程硕士教育的可持续发展战略。  [关键词]工程硕士SWOT分析 可持续发展  [中图分类号]G64 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005—5843(2007)03—0010—05 
[摘要]本文从大学生的情感入手,分析了大学生情感的特点,提出了大学生保持积极而愉快的情感的方法:即自我激励法、言语暗示法、注意迁移法、脱敏疗法、咨询渲泄法、行为补偿法等。  [关键词]思想政治教育 积极情感 调适  [中图分类号]G645 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005—5843(2007)03—0141—02  [作者简介]王兴杰,浙江工业大学纪委书记、副教授(浙江杭州 310
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Grew up in a small town   And when the rain would fall down   I'd just stare[凝视] out my window   Dreamin?of what could be   And if I'd end up happy   I would pray[祈祷]     Trying hard to reach out   Bu
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