长18米的“泰平”号游船驶进了风雨交加的太平洋夜幕之中,蒂姆·列斯曼感到一阵激动。那是1999年2月5日凌晨4时30分,这艘单体船上有11名船员,此时正航行在位于夏威夷和日本之间世界快帆赛洋面的一段航线上。 列斯曼,这位业余游船手,40多岁、体格强壮的北方人,正体验着首次在海中冲浪带来的惊险刺激。列斯曼刚离异,辞去了石油钻塔的工
Tim Leesmann felt excited while the 18-meter-long “Taiping” cruise entered the stormy Pacific Ocean. It was at 4.30 a.m. on 5 February 1999. The crew of this single vessel had 11 crew members and was sailing on the course of the World Cup circuit between Hawaii and Japan at this time. Lesman, the amateur cruiser, the 40-year-old northerner with strong physique, is experiencing the thrilling thrill of surfing the sea for the first time. Lesman just divorced, resigned as a worker of the oil rig