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一、农业现代化的概念 讲到农业现代化综合科学实验基地建设,必须首先讨论农业现代化的概念。不弄清这个问题,认识不能统一,力量不易集中,建设速度不快,成果也不会显著。 关于我国农业现代化的概念,国内乃至国外许多学者都有不同的见解,众说纷纭,至今还没有一个统一的认识。通过两年的实践,我们认为:我国农业现代化,首先要有合理的农业生产结构及其相应的经济比例和管理体系,以保证充分合理地利用自然条件、自然资源和社会经济条件,最大限度地获取各种生物产品。其次,用现代科学技术、现代工业装备和现代科学管理,把它武装起来。最后目的要达到高产、稳产、高效、高收入、高贡献(包括农、林、牧、副、渔各种产品)。这里第一层意思是讲农业现代化的基础,第二是手段,第三是目的。 First, the concept of agricultural modernization Talking about the construction of an integrated scientific experiment base for agricultural modernization, we must first discuss the concept of agricultural modernization. If we do not understand this issue, we must understand that we can not unify our power, that our power is not easily concentrated, that our speed of construction is not fast, and that the outcome will not be significant. As for the concept of agricultural modernization in our country, many scholars both at home and abroad have different opinions and opinions. There is no unified understanding so far. Through two years of practice, we think: In our country’s agricultural modernization, we must first of all have a reasonable structure of agricultural production and its corresponding economic proportion and management system in order to ensure the full and reasonable use of natural conditions, natural resources and social and economic conditions, to the maximum Get a variety of biological products. Second, arming it with modern science and technology, modern industrial equipment and modern scientific management. The final goal is to achieve high yield, stable yield, high efficiency, high income and high contribution (including farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, fisheries and various products). The first level here means to talk about the basis of agricultural modernization, the second is the means and the third is the purpose.
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1 瞬态短工况排放测试产生的背景美国环保局(EPA)对新车排放进行型式认证测试时,要模拟实际道路工况在底盘测功机上进行测试。1972年EPA把洛杉矶市1965年开发的LA-4工况(该