
来源 :小学生学习指导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhangbin
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题目:下面算式中每一个汉字代表一个数字(相同的汉字代表相同的数字)。当它们各代表几时算式成立?【分析与解】算式中看起来有九个汉字,但是,“学”“与”“玩”三个字都是重复使用,实际只需要算出四个汉字(学、习、与、玩)各代表的数。因此,解题时要整体考虑、有顺序地思考,要想到相同的汉字代表的数字在各个位置都是相同的。 Title: Each of the following formulas represents a number (the same characters represent the same number). When they each represent the formula when the expression set up? Analysis and solution of the formula looks like there are nine Chinese characters, but “learning ” “and ” “play ” three words are repeated, actually only need Calculate the number of each of the four Chinese characters (learn, learn, and play). Therefore, when solving problems, we should consider them in a holistic way and think in sequence. It should be remembered that the figures representing the same Chinese characters are the same in every position.
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