A Speech Act Perspective on Ironyin Pride and Prejudice

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  Abstract:This paper tries to make a tentative application of speech –act theory to the analysis of irony in “Pride and Prejudice”, as the author believes that irony is the fundamental feature of the novel The analysis from a macro–angle is done by investing the ironic speech acts performed by the characters in their communication with each other The investigation forcefully demonstrates the irony of various forms in a literary book, just like irony in “ordinary language”, can also be properly described within the frame–work of speech–act theory Thus, it also further proves the applicability of speech–act theory literary criticism
  Key words:speech act theory; irony; ironic speech act; literary criticism
  The definition of Speech Act Theory and Irony
  Speech is not only used to state, depict or explain,but usually used to actualize a certain act The theory of actualizing a certain act successfully through speech is called speech act theory [1]The theory was first advanced by an English philosopher JL Austin in his “How to Do Things with Words” He is the founder–member of speech act theory After this theory was advanced, it greatly affects the linguistics field and becomes the focus of linguistic research With the development of this theory by American linguist Searle, people has applied this theory to the research of philosophy, linguistics, psychology, literary criticism and many other fields
  Research of Ironic Speech Acts in Pride and Prejudice
  Irony is an implicit skill which runs through the character and plot development and expresses the opposite intention of the fact and ostensible statement; Irony is a means which implies the separation with material, subject and feeling [2]Eg: Literary irony is not only used as the language skills which incarnate the homonymous tacts in dialogue, but also makes the use of different views between readers and characters in the articles It makes the character’s speech act contrast to express the subtle irony Lu Xun once said: “The life of irony is reality, not quondam fact, but it must be truth in the mind” [3]
   Irony is the most distinct feature in Austen’s novel Her magnum opus-Pride and Prejudice is famous for irony Irony is the topic that people talk racially in critics on Jane Austen “She considers that irony doesn’t mean the transcend of mortality or superiority complex followed with the transcend of morality” [4]The characteristic of Austen’s irony is “The two opposite views in statement is not only noninterference, but also always concordant They reach a harmonious bourn with two opposite laws” [5] According to the theory of Van Dijk above-mentioned, the paper tries to the analysis of irony in “Pride and Prejudice”, as the author believes that irony is the fundamental feature of the novel The analysis is from macro-angle
  Macro Ironic Speech Acts in “Pride andPrejudice”
  It’s well-known that the main reason why the famous English female writer Jane Austen’s one of magnum opus-Pride and Prejudice can reach the range of famous world works is because the irony which runs through the whole novel The scene depiction of Austen’s novel always neglects the particular depiction about sight and characters, it’s mostly formed of dialogue it always be the example of “ irony with tact and tableau”[6] Austen’s novel plot is not famous is not famous for flections, but it spreads freely and has religious framework “Every chapter has continuity”; “according to the mode of going forward little by little to drive the coming of end” [7] Irony runs through the plot framework The writer narrates a story about a group of young girls looking for husband in the style of irony and deprecates the whacky value concept in society at that time It is main speech acts which the author did though irony This kind of speech acts represents in depiction, out spread of story and end in novel
  At the beginning of the novel, it says: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single main in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” [8](P1)When the reader reads this sentence, his realization to the name and the writer of this novel As a kind of literary work, the label “novel” tells readers that it is a descriptive discourse, now that this beginning sentence closely follows the abstract and the title of this novel so we “conclude this sentence mist be as the continuance of the abstract of simple summary in the story or the evaluation towards the deed which is to be depicted [9] (P166) The main speech acts in the sentence asserts a truth, but it is impossible that the readers consider the truths are universally acknowledged, so the readers can assume that the writer hints the relater sneering at somebody We can understand the relater like this: through nobody once made this manifesto, the characters (eg: Mr Bennet who intently wants to marry her daughters to rich man and Lucas’ daughters who take marriage as the aim of life) in the novel just cognize this truth and take it as the rules of communicating The man who said these
  Words seems to make an assumptive manifesto in the position of bachelors, but the bachelors may not recognize the manifesto and the readers may oppugn, so the relater of the story (the author of the novel) violates deliberately the first rule of Grice’ s theory of cooperative principles, namely “Maxims of quality” According to Grice’s theory of cooperative principles, it is becomes conservational meaning), the relater says enantiosis According to the economy conditions and social tradition in early 19th century, it’s probably that the unmarried women want to marry rich bachelors Not the rich bachelors as Darcy, Bingley want to marry, but the daughters of Bennet and Lucas look for husbands in a hurry 
  In the discourse, Mrs Bennet marries her daughters to everyone rich man they have seen before It’s open-and-shut what the writer sneers at The view of the story becomes a contrast with the view of writer and reader Irony comes from this contract 
  The hermeneutic above can be validated in the second paragraph of the novel: 
  However little known the feelings a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters [8] (P1)
  This paragraph encloses the subjective source of the “truth “(fixed in the minds of the surrounding families”), thus, the authenticity of “truth” reduces greatly, and the vigor also weakens in a great degree The use of passive voice in of single man and makes him to be in the passive state The author compares these single men, thus it can strengthen the ironic strain
  The author uses the typical irony when she introduces Bingley sisters:
  Then were rather handsome, has been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank; and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meaning of others [8] (P12)
  The usage of “perhaps” breaks in the fluency of depiction and comes into being suspicion towards the speaker’s pure-heartedness; thereby the readers can comprehend the implied conversational meaning in speaker’s literal meaning So, when the readers fund that Bingley sisters are as untruthful, selfish, hardhearted, snobbish as the implied above, they will not feel erratic In the whole introduction, the main speech acts that the author performs are irony In fact, she doesn’t do the direct evaluation and point-blank attack, her irony is mostly the in direct speech acts
  Conclusion 
  All in all, we analyze tentatively the most essential feature in “Pride and Prejudice” –irony from macro within the framework of speech act theory The investigation forcefully demonstrates that irony of various forms in a literary work, just like irony in ordinary language It also proves the applicability of speech-act-theory literary criticism Speech act theory has great effect in linguistic field We apply it to literary criticism very successfully Speech acts in “Pride and Prejudice” is very characteristic, especially dialogue As pieces are limited, this paper only limits to research irony of speech acts in “Pride and Prejudice” The others, such as the other speech acts of characters are worth researching too If you are interested in speech act theory, you can look for more information Thus, we can have more sufficient realization towards this new research method
  [1] Austin, JL How to Do Things with Words [M] Oxford: oxford University Press, 1962
  [2] The Kandom House College Dictionary, 见 “irony” 条
  [3] 《且介亭杂文二集 什么是“讽刺”?》 
  [4]《外国文学研究资料丛――奥斯丁研究》 朱红编选。《中国文联出版公司》, 151 页。
  [5]《论简奥斯丁》, 钱震来 《文艺理论研究》 1988年第一期51页。
  [6] 勃洛厄尔 《光彩夺目:《傲慢与偏见》 中的反讽与虚构》,《奥斯丁研究》 P202
  [8] Austen, J, Pride and Prejudice [M] Oxford: Oxford University Press,1983 (1970版)
  [9] Pratt, ML, Toward a Speech Act theory of Literary Discourse [M] Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1977
摘要:历史小说起源于以《左传》、《战国策》为代表的史传文学。先秦历史著作中有大量的虚构部分,有些虚构的部分本身就是萌芽状态的历史小说,这些虚构的部分一旦从历史著作中分离出来,就成了真正意义上的历史小说。《穆天子传》、《晏子春秋》都属于早期的历史小说,《韩非子》中也有大量的历史小说。  关键词:历史小说;史传文学;《左传》;《战国策》;虚构     中国古典小说的源头有三个,即:神话传说、寓言
摘要:本文从信息不对称的角度分析了上市公司股权再融资偏好的原因在于股权价值的高估。从而揭示了国内上市公司融资顺序与优序融资理论及西方融资实践存在的巨大反差的原因。  关键词:股权再融资;股权价值高估;信息不对称    一、引言    从MM定理提出企业价值和资本结构、融资方式无关,造成企业价值提升的唯一驱动力是投资后,财务学便有了新的基准,而后的理论逐步放宽MM定理的完全市场的假设。在资本
摘要:李清照和辛弃疾分别为宋词婉约派和豪放派的代表作家,两人的词作风格大不相同。但是,作为时代风雨中的两个著名词人,对于国家命运却为类似的感叹。我们选取了李清照、辛弃疾的代表作品《永遇乐落日熔金》和《青玉案元夕》,从中体味一下两位大词人时代风雨中的爱国之情、沉痛之感。  关键词:元夕词;爱国情怀;沉痛    “济南名士多”,是杜甫34岁时一句即兴的诗。历观中华历史,济南名士的确不胜枚举。在这
摘要:在市场化条件下,企业并购是一种长期存在、经常发生的经济行为。在频繁的并购活动中,购买一家企业的合并成本与这家企业可辨认净资产的公允价值之间的差额就是本文所讲述的合并商誉。本文主要从新旧准则的角度对合并商誉的会计处理进行比较研究,进一步阐明新准则存在的弊端及其努力方向。  关键词:合并商誉;企业会计准则;比较研究    一、 新旧准则关于合并商誉会计处理的相关规定     (一)旧准则关于合并
摘要:从中国有诉讼开始,与其相伴随的证据制度也即产生并随之不断地发展、完善乃至成熟。但是,在对中国古代法律制度进行研究的时候,证据制度却较少得到关注。本文运用比较的视角,阐述了中国封建时期与欧洲中世纪在证据制度上的差异,并简单地归纳了产生这些差异的原因,在此基础上得出结论:中国封建时期采用的并非是法定证据主义。  关键词:法定证据主义;自由心证;“五听”断狱    证据主义在历史上可分为法定证据主
摘要:我国上世纪50年代中期形成的旧的户籍制度已经不能适应现在经济社会发展的需要,进一步扩大了城乡差距,加剧了社会不公平。因此,针对我国目前户籍制度改革过程中所面临的困难和问题,本文提出我国户籍制度改革应该坚持“回归本位”和“追求正义与平等”的方向。  关键词:户籍制度;改革    十六大提出建设和谐社会,建设和谐社会的前提,是民主法制,目标是公平正义。而要实现这一目标,我们所说的广义的户籍制度改
摘要:随着社会主义市场经济的发展,作为经济体系的重要有机组成——国有企业,其核心竞争力在于其拥有核心人才。研究国有企业核心人才开发模式的构建,对国有企业的可持续发展具有深远的意义。而核心人才与国有企业的其他人才既有联系又有区别。在进行系统开发时,必须加强针对性,采取合理对策,从而提高开发的效率。  关键词:国有企业;核心人才;以人为本;人力资本    在国有企业,通常将国有企业行政管理人员和专业技
一、“契约式”管理模式的内涵    “契约”即合同, 是规定双方当事人权利和义务的协议, 是商品交换的基本法律形式。所谓“契约式”管理,是指在高校学生管理中,以《宪法》、《高等教育法》为依据,以培养高层次人才为目标,贯彻“契约”精神,通过订立协议,明确学生、学校、社区管理部门之间的权责关系的一种管理模式。此种管理模式利于明确高校与大学生之间的权利和义务关系, 把高校学生管理的任务、服务内容逐项分解
众所周知,2007年美国爆发的次级贷款危机,是继1997年到1998年金融危机以来的全球又一次经济大灾难。    一、次贷危机的概念    次贷危机:利息上升,导致还款压力增大,很多本来信用不好的用户感觉还款压力大,出现违约的可能,对银行贷款的收回造成影响的危机。  美国“次贷危机”是从2006年春季开始逐步显现的。美国次级抵押贷款市场通常采用固定利率和浮动利率相结合的还款方式,即购房者在购
摘要:本文对农村养老保险基金的资金流向进行了研究。农村养老保险基金的建立积累了大量的资金,不论这些资金是存入银行,还是进行国债等金融资产的投资,资金的流动都是不可避免的。本文探究了这部分资金在社会生产各部门中的流动,并分析了这一流动所产生的经济后果。本文试图证明,农村社会养老保险基金的建立使农业资金流向其他生产部门,因此,政府必须以相应的政策来控制农业资金外流的影响,使农业不至萎缩。  关键词: