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1引 言rnDrazin逆自1958年被美国数学家Drazin[1]提出来之后,由于其在人口增长模型,数值线性代数,Markov链,微分方程等领域的广泛应用[2-5],而受到国内外学者的广泛关注.学者们对其进行了大量深入研究,包括分块矩阵的Drazin逆,矩阵或算子和的Drazin逆,加权Drazin逆,广义Drazin逆等.
The Co3O4 decorated TiO2 nanotube arrays(NTAs)coatings are fabricated by the combination of anodization and impregna-ting methods.It is found that the introduction of Co3O4 can reduce the diffraction intensity of(101)plane of the TiO2 and accelerate the s
Hydrogenation of methyl p-hydroxyphenylacetate has been used for the synthesis of p-hydroxyphenyl ethanol.The reaction was catalyzed by CuiZrj-x%(mass fraction)carbon nanotubes(CNTs)catalysts.Incorporation of a minor amount of CNTs into CuiZrj oxide can v
Based on the functional properties of electrospun cellulose nanofibers(CNF),scientists are showing substantial interest to enhance the aesthetic properties.However,the lower color yield has remained a big challenge due to the higher surface area of nanofi
Nanomolecular imaging and biosensing is an interdisciplinary research field generated from the combination of nanoscience,molecular imaging and biomedicine.
G-Quadruplexes(GQs),which are formed by G-rich DNA sequences in human telomeres,have become an attractive target for cancer treatment.The ligands to stabilize the con-formation of human telomeric GQs in vivo are particularly important for structure-based
Pretargeting is an innovative and promising approach in nuclear medicine for targeted-imaging/therapy through the following bioorthogonal reactions.It requires two reactive participants,one of which is a targeting vector and the other is a small radiolabe
1引 言 rn1.1背景简介rn设A ∈Rn×n为n阶实对称矩阵,矩阵A的特征值分解是找正交矩阵U ∈Rn×n,使得rnA=UΛUT,(1.1)rn其中UT指U的转置,A为对角矩阵,且A=diag(λ1,λ2,...,λn),其中λi,i=1,...,n是矩阵A的特征值.矩阵A的奇异值分解为rnA=UΣUH,(1.2)rn其中,U ∈ Cn×n是酉矩阵,UH是U的共轭转置,Σ是非负实对角矩阵.当A正定时,奇异值分解和特征值分解等价.对一般实对称阵,奇异值和特征值绝对值相同.
Electrochemical sensing technology has received extensive attention from researchers for its unique detection and ana-lysis methods as well as the promising applications in clinical diagnosis.Compared with other detection methods,such as capil-lary electr