
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyin1976
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The present study investigated the fMRI correlates of functional compensation/neural reorganization of the motor system in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The hypothesis was that ALS patients would recruit additional brain regions compared with controls in a motor task and that activity in these regions would vary as a function of task difficulty. Patients and controls executed a motor task with two sequences (a simple and a more difficult one) of consecutive button presses. Patients and controls both activated brain regions known to be involved in motor execution and control. Activity in ipsilateral motor areas as well as difficulty-related activity in the left cerebellum could only be observed in patients. The behavioral data indicated that the motor task was much more difficult for patients than for controls. At nearly equal difficulty the observed patterns of hemodynamic activity in controls were very similar to those observed in ALS. The findings suggest that functional compensation in ALS relies on existing resources and mechanisms that are not primarily developed as a consequence of the lesion. The present study investigated the fMRI correlates of functional compensation / neural reorganization of the motor system in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The hypothesis was that ALS patients would recruit additional brain regions compared with controls in a motor task and that activity in these Patients and controls both motor task with two sequences (a simple and a more difficult one) of consecutive button presses. Patients and controls both activated brain regions known to be involved in motor execution and control . Activity in ipsilateral motor areas as well as difficulty-related activity in the left cerebellum could only be observed in patients. The behavioral data indicated that the motor task was much more difficult for patients than for controls. At almost equal difficulty the observed patterns of hemodynamic activity in controls were very similar to those observed in ALS. The findings suggest that fu nctional compensation in ALS relies on existing resources and mechanisms that are were developed as a consequence of the lesion.
Antibodies against native glycosylated myelin-oligodendroc- yte-glycoprotein (MOG) were measured by ELISA in patients with multiple scler osis (MS) and controls
我与英语可谓有着很深的渊源。早在幼儿园期间,我便已经开始学习英语,成为还不会写汉字就会写英语单词的小小English learner。小学、初中一路的英语实验班锻炼了我英语的实际应用能力,英语舞台剧、英语演讲比赛、英语趣味竞赛,这一切的经历都极大地增加着我在英语方面的自信,直到高中来临。  初中升高中时,由于成绩相对优异,我有幸跨区县来到了教育大区M区的一所重点高中。然而,开学的第一堂英语课就给了
精灵王国里,住着一群快乐的精灵。那里有碧绿的大树,青翠的小草,鲜艳的花朵和清凉的池塘。精灵们有的在天空自由飞翔,有的跳到池塘里游泳,还有的从滑梯上飞一样滑下 Elven k