’96深圳NEPCON,将向我们展出最优秀的设备、材料及服务,如电子生产、装配、采购所需的印制电路板、电子元件、配件、零件、工具、模具、塑料模、电线电缆及接插件,是展示华南电子工业迅速发展的最主要的舞台。 此届展览会由电子工业部赞助、中国贸促会电子行业分会和新加坡励展博览集团联合主办,将于96年9月10日至13日在深圳国际展览中心
’96 Shenzhen NEPCON, will show us the best equipment, materials and services, such as electronic circuit board, electronic components, parts, tools, tools, molds, plastic molds, wire and cable And connectors are the most important stage for the rapid development of South China’s electronics industry. The exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Electronics Industry, co-sponsored by the China Electronics Industry Association of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Reed Exhibitions in Singapore and will be held at the Shenzhen International Exhibition Center from September 10 to September 13, 1996.