The Use and Translation of Vocabulary in News English

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  Abstract:As the increasing development of the world,the communication between each country is becoming more and more frequently.Nowadays the society takes special attention on News media and at the same time News has become an indispensable part of our life.The main characteristics of the words in News contains the frequent use of new words,like new words derived from old words;the frequent use of borrowed words from other fields,like a great deal of slang,jargon terms and names of special people and objects;large amount of idioms:avoid frequent use adjectives and adverbs;a lot of acronyms in words and phrases.The characteristics of new words above embody the News style of writing.Only do we master the different characteristics of News words,we could translate them into Chinese in a correct way which also embodies the special factor of News media.
  Key Words:News English;Jargon Terms;New Words;Characteristics of Vocabularies;Translation Strategies
  Nowadays,newspaper has become an indispensable part of our daily life.English in newspaper,to some extent,has become an important part of modern English with increasingly changeable language and variously emerging new words.English in newspaper frequently use plenty of new words,including new words for new things,derived words and derived new meaning for old words,widely use borrowed words such as slang,jargon terms,largely use acronyms.The vocabularies in newspaper English have brevity,readability and wide application for new words.Only these characteristics newspaper English owns should be understood and grasped,Chinese translation could be gotten correctly.
  As the world has been increasingly developed rapidly,English which serves as the only special language in the world has a great deal of new words coming out.Many Chinese readers usually be familiar with normal words from English teaching books,but they may have strangeness at English words in newspaper tone,which also brought some difficulties on reading English newspaper and translating English newspaper.Only we have a better understanding and grasp the particular characteristics on English newspaper,could we provide Chinese translation correctly.
  1.Features of News Writing
  One may find that there are some differences in news reporting between the present-day society and those of the earlier stages of human civilization.This,nevertheless,is not the major difference.The most important difference is that there are many different kinds of news and a diverse audience today.News reporting in the 21 century serves more people than ever before.The fact that the values are changing today at an accelerating pace challenges journalists in many ways,moral,social,economic,legal and ethical,which was hardly thought of in a simpler and less sophisticated world.   2.Rhetoric Features of News
  One of the determinants of news is interesting,news must be universally absorbing and intriguing.As a result,in writing headlines;journalists often make use of rhetorical devices in the limited number of words to attract the reader
  The news under this headline describes the event that the food to aid the refugees in famine-hit somalia was robbed.A desperate deed should be adopted to satisfy the desperate need of the refugees.This headline makes use of Alliteration to describe the awful situation in somalia and arouse the attention of the reader.
  Metaphor is a figure of speech in which something is described by stating another thing with which it can be compared without using the words as or like,e.g.middle east:a cradle of terror.
  3.Vocabularies of Newspaper English Characteristics
  Most of vocabularies have particular news features.Newspaper reports usually use some special vocabularies to express facts and events,so these vocabularies increasingly have special meanings which have a close linkage with newspaper reports which are also called journalistic words.For example,‘horror-”,it is often used in newspaper title which means bad accidents and violent acts;“Nadir’,it always referred to the low end of the relationship between two countries.Meanwhile,there are some conventionally old phrases,like according to sources concerned(據有关方面报道),cited as saying(援引、、、的话)。
  3.1.Frequently Used New Words
  3.1.1New Words Emerged from New Events
  3.1.2Derived New Words
  3.1.3Derived Words from Old Words
  3.2.Largely Use Borrowed Words
  3.2.1 Borrow Different Kinds of Vocabularies from Various Fields and Languages.
  3.2.2 Borrow Slang and Jargon Terms
  3.2.3Borrow the Name from Places,People and Things
  3.3.Large Use Acronyms and Abbreviation
  4.Translation Theories and Criteria
  There are many approaches in translation study.The most important job we must do here is to find out the most suitable one for news translation.The target language should be faithful in respect of the information of the original without any modification,either augment or abatement.At the same time we ought to emphasize on the content instead of the form of language when encountering something difficult to understand linguistically or culturally.But for the last character elegance,it is too reluctant to be applied in news translation.In the process of translation,there are three basic types of adjustment:redistribution,deletion and addition.
  5.Some Factors Which Exert Influence on News English Translation
  5.1.Grammar Characteristics
  5.2.Difference in Expression
  5.3.Difference in Culture
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【摘要】教学中出现的非法学专业老师比法学专业学生更容易理解经济法的独特现象促使我思考经济法教学的特点,发现经济法教学案例的选择需要从内容、形式、难易程度上具备通俗性、多样性、案例多层次性等特点。  【关键词】经济法;案例教学;特点  我长期承担法学专业《经济法学》的教学任务,在实践中发现了一个有意思的现象:同一个课堂上,法学学生没听懂,反而是非法学专业的听课老师听懂了。在与学生的深入交流中,学生通
【摘要】本文主要对高校思想政治教育中学校制度建设、校园物质环境、学校精神为载体的隐性思想政治教育等隐性资源的开发及运用进行探讨,进而为高校思想政治教育的实效性及针对性等研究提供参考。  【关键词】隐性思想政治教育;实践建设;路径思考  隐性思想政治教育對于教育实效的增进,提高受教育者的吸引力及感染力有着重要作用,是推进思想政治教育科学发展的重要作用,如何充分的认识隐性思想政治教育,并加强意识形态建
【摘要】财政学课程不仅要求学生掌握基本原理,更重要的是培养学生运用相应财政学理论去分析解决现实中实际问题的能力,而实践教学则是培养学生应用能力的最佳途径。财政学教学模式创新,应以实践教学为视角,针对课程实践方法的选择、实践形式的应用及实践结果的考核等方面对财政学课程实践教学模式进行探讨。  【关键词】实践教学;教学模式;能力培养  我国《高等教育法》明确规定高等学校的主要任务是培养具有创新精神和实
【摘要】生态化教学是高校思想政治理论课提出的一种新的教学方式,本文首先从生态化教学的涵义入手,对高校思想政治理论课中生态化教学存在的问题进行分析,并总结出高校思想政治教育中生态化教学实现的四个措施。  【关键词】思想政治;理论课;生态化教学  生态化教学是在教学活动中,教学过程、教学环境及教学诸多因素等处于平衡、协调的关系,从而不断提高教学质量,培养学生的自学能力、实践能力及创新能力,全面提高学生
【摘要】大学英语教育的发展具有多元性,教学改革也是不断发展的动态事物,缩减课时的最新形势下,我们应该改变传统的教学观念和方式,既注重语言的实用性,又兼顾它传承文化的功能,让它成为一门促进国际经济文化交流和启迪智慧的学科。  【关键词】大学英语;课时缩减;职业导向;文化传承  一、大学英语课时缩减的趋势和背景  随着改革开放的进一步深入和社会经济的不断发展,中国与世界的联系空前紧密,当前社会对于具有
【摘要】随着流媒体技术的飞速发展和远程教育的大力推广,新兴的网络流媒体技术在远程教学系统中的应用有了长足的提高。文章综合分析流媒体技术的特点和远程教育系统平台,总结出流媒体在远程教育中的应用主要体现在教学系统上、课件制作和师生交流三个方面。  【关键词】流媒体;流媒体技术;远程教育系统  一、引言  随着互联网的蓬勃发展,及网络在全球的普及,通过网络来进行远程教育已成为当今世界关注的热点。但是由于
【摘要】传统文化对大学生的成人成才影响深远,但是对不同时代的大学生影响程度各不同,例如70后、80后、90后的大学生对传统文化的认识有一定的差别。弘扬优秀传统文化,加强大学生思想道德教育,需要正确对待传统文化,回避中国传统文化消极因素,吸收传统文化中的优秀部分,投身弘扬传统文化的社会实践。  【关键词】中国传统文化;大学生;调查分析  文化是一个民族的精神财富,同时也是一个民族的生存根源。文化能够
【摘要】大学生反腐倡廉教育的成效直接影响国家经济、政治廉洁建设,因此加强对大学生反腐倡廉现状的研究,针对反腐倡廉中存在的问题等进行有效的改进有着显著的社会意义。本文主要对高校大学生反腐倡廉教育的现状进行观察分析,并探讨有效的改进方案。  【关键词】大学生;反腐倡廉;现状;改进方案  腐败一直是党和国家重视的问题,是与中国共产党的信念相悖的行为,因此加强大学生反腐倡廉教育对于培养合格的社会主义建设者
【摘要】中央16号文件明确指出:“学校要探索建立与大学生家庭联系沟通的机制,相互配合对学生进行思想政治教育。”辅导员老师与学生家长沟通交流必须引起我们重视。本文重点梳理高校辅导员与家长沟通的类型、问题及对策。以期对高校辅导员与学生家长的沟通有所帮助,更好地形成教育合力,促进学生成长成才。  【关键词】高校辅导员;学生家长;沟通  一、高校辅导员与学生家长沟通的重要性  教育的本质意义,不仅仅是知识
【摘要】词块(lexical chunks)词块集语法、语义和语境于一体,具有固定的语法结构,稳定的搭配和具体的语篇环境。词块为解决高中学生的阅读问题提供了一种可行性的方法,因此我们要充分利用词块的优势来提高英语阅读教学的效率。  【关键词】词块;分类;英语阅读;理论依据  1、引言  近年来,词块理论被越来越多的应用于英语教学领域。研究者研究发现词块集语法、语义和语境于一体,具有固定的语法结构,