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对学生加强劳动教育,增强劳动观点,养成热爱劳动的良好品德与习惯,是思想品德教育的一项重要任务。一、注重调查研究,增强思品课教学的针对性。为了有针对性的对学生进行热爱劳动的教育,我们通过谈话、问卷、行为考察和座谈会等方式,进行了课前调查。获得了大量的第一手资料,为上好思品课奠定了基础。随着家庭结构的变化和独生子女比例逐年加大,不少孩子在家中成了“小太阳”,处处依赖家长。一年级一个班不会自己洗脸洗脚的就有21人,占全班人数的49%,六年级一个班从来没有洗过自己衣物的有11人,占全班人数的32.4%。学生中乱花零钱、浪费食品、不爱惜学习用品、偏食挑吃的现象比较普遍。有的家长因望子成龙心切,竟用“不好好念书将来就去扫马路”的话刺激、训斥孩子,使他们从小产生了轻视普通劳动者的思想。六年级一个班在选择职业理想的问卷调查中,只有一个学生愿当普通劳动者。 It is an important task for ideological and moral education to strengthen the labor education for students, to strengthen the viewpoint of labor, and to develop good morals and habits that love labor. First, pay attention to investigation and research, and enhance the relevance of the teaching of the thinking class. In order to have targeted education for students who love labor, we conducted pre-class surveys through interviews, questionnaires, behavioral surveys, and seminars. Obtained a lot of first-hand information, laid the foundation for the good thinking product class. With the changes in the family structure and the increase in the proportion of one-child children, many children have become “little suns” at home and rely on parents everywhere. Classes in the first grade did not wash their feet and wash their feet. There were 21 people, accounting for 49% of the total class number. There were 11 people who had never washed their clothes in a class in the sixth grade, accounting for 32.4% of the total class size. It is common for students to spend their spare time on food, food waste, school supplies, and partial food. Some parents are eager to hope that Zi Chengcheng, actually use “if not good to study will go to sweep the road in the future,” then stimulate, reprimand children, so that they have had a slight disdain for ordinary workers thinking. In the questionnaire for choosing a career ideal for a class in the sixth grade, only one student is willing to be an ordinary worker.
十年,在历史长河里是“短”不足道的。然而,《YT》的十年却给全国万千的中语教师带来了多少美好的教学生活享受! 我最喜爱读的是《YT》独创的、也是全国语文刊物中,“只此一
作文范围写建筑物说明文作文要求抓住事物的特征,按空间顺序说明。参考题目 1、我校的教学楼 2、×××图书馆 3、×××纪念碑 4、×××展览馆 5、新建的立交桥 6、一座名