高中英语必修四Unit2Working the land要点解析

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  1. struggle
  【考纲释义】 vi. & n. 斗争;拼搏;努力
  After ten long years’ struggle against poverty she had brought up her son.同贫困作了十年的斗争后,她总算把儿子拉扯大了。
  Nothing is impossible as long as we can dream and struggle! 只要敢于梦想和拼搏,没有什么是办不到的!
  They were poor and had to struggle for a living. 他们很穷,必须为生活而挣扎。
  struggle for 为……而斗争
  struggle with / against与……作斗争
  struggle to do sth. 努力做某事
  struggle to one’ s feet 挣扎着站起来
  2. expand
  【考纲释义】 vt & vi. 使变大;伸展
  Liquids expand and contract as gases do.
  I hope to expand our exchanges and cooperation.我希望扩大我们彼此的交流与合作。
  It is through education that we expand the frontiers of knowledge. 通过教育,我们扩大了知识的阵地。
  expansion n.expand into发展成;扩大成
  expand指向四面八方的扩大扩张;extend 强调向某一方向的延长;spread 指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播、蔓延,也指把某物铺开,把胳膊张开;stretch 指手掌、手臂、腰、腿、颈等由曲变直,由短变长的伸展或伸出,多与out连用。
  3. therefore
  【考纲释义】 adv. 因此;所以;因而
  He was busy,therefore,he couldn’t come.
  It rained,therefore the football match was postponed. 天下雨了,足球赛因而推迟了。
  He was very tired,and therefore he didn’t give the report. 他非常疲倦,所以没能作报告。
  soconj.& adv. 因而,所以,结果是 then adv因此,就accordingly adv. 因此,从而;所以,因此结果;因此thus adv.如此,像这样;因此;于是
  4. regret
  【考纲释义】vt. 遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;懊悔
  I regret not visiting her yesterday.
  I regret to say you are wrong.
  We regret for the loss you have suffered.
  我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意 。
  I regret that you should have been caused inconvenience.
  regret to say / tell / announce / inform 遗憾地说 / 告诉 / 宣布 / 通知
  regret doing/having done sth. 后悔已做了某事 regret that 遗憾 / 后悔……
  5. reduce
  【考纲释义】vt. 减少;减缩
  What food can reduce blood pressure?
  In order to gain more market,we reduce price of product.为了获得更大的市场,我们降低了产品价格。
  The hibernating animals reduce movement to far below the ordinary level. 冬眠的动物把活动量大大减少到低于一般的水平。
  reduce sth (from...) to... 把某物从……减少到……reduce sth. by... 减少多少
  6. comment
  【考纲释义】 vt.& vi. 表达意见;作出评论 n. 评论;议论
  He made a comment about my designs. 他对我的设计做了一番评论。
  Aileen was excited as a child,delighted to be once more the center of comment.爱玲兴奋得像小孩子一样,很高兴自己又成为谈论的中心。
  We often comment on current events. 我们经常对时事发表评论。
  comment on / about sth. / sb. 对某事 / 某人评论make comments/ no comment on sth. / sb. 对某事 / 某人评论 / 不进行评论
  1. thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为
  Thanks to your contribution,we have enough money.由于你的捐款,我们有了足够的钱。
  Thanks to your thoughtful arrangement,I feel much better now. 谢谢你们的周到安排,我现在感觉好多了。
  表示“因为,由于”的常见短语:because of,owing to,due to,on account of,as a result of
  2. build up逐渐增强;建立;开发
  People used to build up walls between each other,instead of bridges!人们总习惯于在彼此之间建筑高墙,而不是沟通的桥梁!
  You need more protein to build you up.
  He is now trying to build up a fine reputation. 他正在努力逐步赢得好的声誉。
  break up分裂,打碎 tear up撕碎,取消 cut up切碎 make up虚构,弥补mix up 糊涂,混淆
  3. lead to 导致;造成(后果)
  All rivers lead to the sea.条条江河归大海。
  Smoking can lead to lung cancer.抽烟可能导致肺癌。
  lead sb. to 把某人带到 lead sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事
  lead sb. in doing sth. 领导 / 带领某人做某事
  lead to sb. doing sth. 导致某人做某事
  4. focus on 集中(注意力、精力)于
  Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of education. 教育改革的重点应放在提高教育质量方面。
  We often focus on building relationships with others that we forget the essential first step: being friends of ourselves.我们往往着眼于与他人建立关系,但却忘记了基本的第一步:与我们自己做朋友。
  focus one’s attention / mind / efforts on 集中(注意力 / 心思 / 精力)于
  5. keep … free from/of使……免受(影响;伤害等);使……不含(有害物)
  We should keep ourselves free from drugs. 我们应该远离毒品。
  I hope you will keep yourself free from tobacco and alcohol. 我希望你不抽烟不喝酒。
  keep sb./sth. from doing sth 不让某人 / 某物做某事
  keep on doing sth 继续做某事
  keep back (使)后退;忍住,隐瞒
  keep on 继续
  keep out of 使不进入……
  keep up 保持,继续
  keep up with 跟上,不落后
  1. In 1974,he became the first agricul-tural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. 1974年,他成了世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。
  不定式放在表示次序的词the first,the last,the best以及the only,the very,the right等词后面,且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系,结构为:the first/ last/ best/ right / only /very / ... + n. + to do sth.第一个 / 最后一个 / 最好的一个 / 合适的 / 唯一的 / 恰好的……做某事的人 / 物。例如:
  He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 他总是第一个来和最后一个离开的。
  The last man to leave the sinking ship was the captain. 最后一个离开正在下沉的船的是船长。
  2. Using his hybrid rice,farmers are pro-ducing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出了是以前两倍的粮食。
  句中的twice the rate of和four times the rate of是表示倍数的,英语倍数表达法常用的有下面几种形式:
  ①A + is…times + adj. + as + 原级 + as + B;②A + is…times + adj. + 比较级 + than +B;③A + is…times + the size / length / height / width / depth… + of + B;④The size / length / height / width / depth… + of + A + is…times of + B;⑤The size / length / height / width / depth… + is …times + what从句。例如:
  The earth is 49 times as big as the moon.
  The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江几乎是珠江的两倍长。
  The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球体积是月球体积的49倍。
  This big stone is three times the weight of that one. 这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。
  The size of the earth is 49 times that of the moon. 地球体积是月球体积的49倍。
  3. Have you ever grown any plants? If so,what did you do to grow them? If not,what kind of plant would you like to try growing?你种过植物吗?如果种过的话,你是怎样种的?如果没有种的话,你想尝试种什么植物?
  If so 中的so用作代词,用来指上文中提到的肯定情况,以避免句子重复,意为“如果是这样的话”;如果替代的是一种否定情况,则用if not,意为“如果不是这样的话”。例如:
  — I hope Bill won’t come. 我希望比尔别来。
  — If so(= If you hope he won’t come),why did you invite him? 如果这样,你为什么邀请了他?
  It looks as if it is going to rain. If so,we have to put off the meeting.看上去要下雨。如果是这样的话,我们将不得不推迟会议。
  Are you ready? If not,I’ m going without you. 准备好了吗? 要不,我自己去吧。
  Is she in? If not,could I speak to her sister? 她在吗?如果不在,我可以跟她姐妹说话吗?
沧海一粟  西晋太傅何曾每天的伙食费多达一万钱,他还经常抱怨没什么可吃的,这或许缘于他莫名其妙的讲究——蒸饼非蒸得裂开十字纹的不吃。因此,他每次被司马炎召见时都不吃皇家准备的御食,司马炎为了笼络他,只好允许他自带食物。  唐高宗觉得吃外卖有失官员体统,而且会给人投毒的机会,因此不许官员们吃外卖。唐玄宗当太子时偶尔也会去吃外卖,当了皇帝后为了显示与他人不同,才不再吃外卖。于是他睁一只眼闭一只眼,不再
【活动背景】  黄梅县第三小学位于城乡结合部,大部分学生早中餐在学校就餐。随着生活条件的改善,学生对食物并没有应有的敬畏之心,“光盘行动”也往往因为诸多原因而流于形式。根据《少先队活动课程纲要》中五年级“祖国发展我成长”“养成道德好习惯”活动的相关要求,结合纪录片《舌尖上的中国》,开展本次少先队活动课。  【活动目标】  1.学生走上队会的舞台,成为队会活动的主人。  2.对食物有敬畏之心,对他人
What is this life if, full of care,  We have no time to stand and stare?  No time to stand beneath the boughs  And stare as long as sheep or cows;  No time to see, when woods we pass,  Where squirrels
据统计,目前中国独生子女数量已超过1.5亿,城市学校中独生子女已成为班级构成主体。独生子女在个性及心理上有着鲜明的特征,他们优点很多,问题也不少。家庭教育和学校教育是促进孩子成长的两大支柱,班主任如何与家长协作,形成良性合力共同教育独生子女呢?笔者认为举措很多,概括来讲可以从以下三个方面入手。  首先,在教育观念上与家长达成一致,为孩子提供良好的成长环境。教育观念的一致性是学校教育与家庭教育结合的
The Date of Easter复活节的日期In 325 AD,the Council of Nicaea(尼西亚大公会议)was convened by Emperor Constantine.It issued the Easter Rule which states that Eas