
来源 :中学生英语·中考指导版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honghongjiang
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  1~5 BADAA 6~10 CBBCB 11~15 DDDCB
  16~20 BBCCD 21~25 AABDD 26~30 BABDD
  31~35 CAACC 36~40 BAABD 41~45 DBCBA
  1-5 CCABB 6-10 DBABC 11-15 BAADD
  16-20 DADBB 21-25 BACCA 26-30 DACBC
  31. stand 32. noise 33. added
  34. make 35. terribly 36. turn
  37. silent 38. different 39. word
  40. play
  One possible version:
  Fellow students,
  We will go hiking in the Forest Park this Sunday. We’ll meet at 8:30 am at the school gate. Don’t be late. Then, we’ll go there by school bus. Everyone should take food and water by yourself. We’d better wear light shoes because of the hiking. We’ll be divided into groups and we must stay together. We can’t go somewhere alone. We have to write a diary after hiking.
  I think we should keep the park clean. We’d better not throw rubbish anywhere.
  1-5 BACBD 6-10 CADBC 11-15 CABCD
  16-20 BADBC 21-25 BCCAB 26-30 BCBAD
  31. problems 32. worry 33. Instead
  34. things 35. others 36. well
  37. comfortable 38. rest 39. Taking
  40. better
  One possible version:
  My name is Li Ming. My eating habits are very good. I try to eat lots of vegetables. I like doing sports, too. I often play basketball. An old man lives next to our school. I often go fishing with him. Last Saturday I heard he was ill. I got up at 7:00 and bought lots of things. I went to see him by bus. First, I took him to see a doctor. Then I helped him clean the room. At last I cooked lunch and read newspapers for him. I was very tired but very happy. I think we should go to see the old man in turns. We can also teach him to use computer and chat on the Internet. I hope he will be better soon.
  第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
  Text 1. How is your younger sister now?
  Text 2. What’s the date today?
  Text 3. What does little Tom look like?
  Text 4. When is the weekend party?
  Text 5. Could you help me take a photo, please?
  Text 6. W: Don’t read in bed, Ted. It’s not good for your eyes.
  M: I’m not reading, Mum. I’m just enjoying some wonderful stamps.
  Text 7. M: May I borrow the magazine you’re reading, Nancy?   W: Sorry, it’s not mine. Mary wants to take it back soon and lend it to Tom.
  Text 8. W: There’s rock concert tonight. Why not go with me, John?
  M: Rock concert? It’s too noisy and crazy. I prefer music that’s quiet and gentle.
  Text 9. W: Did you watch the football match between Brazilian and German women teams?
  M: Yeah, of course, I think it’s out of this world.
  Text 10. W: Hi, Henry. You don’t look very well today. Are you ill?
  M: Not really. I stayed up going over my notes about science last night. I just want to do even better in the exam next time.
  Text 11. W: What’s that in your hand, Mike?
  M: A famous magazine about the exciting NBA game. There is a special report about Kobe, the famous America basketball player in it.
  Text 12. M: Help yourself to the dishes, Amy. They are all cooked by my wife.
  W: Thank you, Bob. They are very nice. Personally speaking, I’d rather eat at home than in a restaurant.
  Text 13.
  M: Would you like to go to the movie tonight, Linda?
  W: What’s on?
  M: There’s a thriller at Huanyi Cinema, a documenrary at Renmin Cinema and a comedy at Xinhua Cinema from Monday to Wednesday.
  W: Well, let’s go to the comedy. Who’s in it?
  M: Mel Gibson, I think.
  W: Oh, wait a minute. It’s Monday today, isn’t it? I must go to have a piano lesson on Monday evenings.
  M: What about tomorrow evening?
  W: Sorry, I have to go to night school for my French lesson every Tuesday.
  M: Oh, you are so busy. When? It’s up to you!
  W: Wednesday is OK.
  M: OK. Let’s make it on Wednesday evening. See you at the cinema gate at 7:00 pm.
  W: See you.
  Text 14.
  W: Dad, I want to travel around Europe this summer. Do you agree?
  M: I’m not sure, Mary. You are only seventeen.
  W: But I won’t be traveling by myself. My classmates Joan and Kate will go with me. And Kate’s aunt will be with us as well.
  M: Where would you stay?
  W: We’d stay in Youth Hostels.
  M: They are not expensive, are they?
  W: No, they are cheap. And we may meet a lot of young people there.
  M: I don’t know what to say about it.
  W: Just say “Yes”, please. Daddy!   M: How long are you going to stay there?
  W: Just about two or three weeks.
  M: I’m still not sure. We ought to discuss it with your mother. She’ll have the last word.
  Text 15.
  M: Welcome to Li Ning. What’s your name, please?
  W: Helen.
  M: Nice to meet you. Can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?
  W: Well, my last job was with Golden Shark.
  M: And when did you start to work there?
  W: Two years ago.
  M: But why did you decide to leave?
  W: Well, perhaps you’ve heard that the company closed down earlier this year.
  M: Yes. We’ve heard about it. And where did you work before Golden Shark?
  W: Jeanswest.
  M: How long did you work for them?
  W: For five years, as a secretary.
  M: And why did you leave that job as a secretary?
  W: Well, I felt I need a change. I think I learned all I could there.
  M: OK, that’s enough on your work experience. You are listed at Li Ning here.
  Text 16.
  Mr. Wilson had a new telephone number which had been the number of a shop before. Later the shop was given a new number, which many people did not know.
  At first, Mrs. Wilson always said, “We are sorry. You have the wrong number. The shop has a new one now.”
  But telephone calls still came for things, so Mr. and Mrs. Wilson began to answer them in a different way. They would say, “Good morning, madam. What do you want us to send you today?” They thought maybe they would stop telephoning when they didn’t get their things. But this did not help them at all because now women began to telephone them more often, saying angrily, “Where are my things? They have not come! Why haven’t you sent them yet?”
  1~5 ACBAA 6~10 CBCCC 11~15 ABBCB
  16~20 CBCBC 21~25 CBACB 26~30 ADACB
  31~35 BABDC 36~40 ACBAB 41~45 DBBDA
  46~50 CDBAD 51~55 DABAC 56~60 CADBD
  61~65 BABCC 66~70 CBBCA 71. support
  72. clean out 73. listed 74. imagine
  75. fascinating 76. unhappily 77. experience
  78. accept 79. shook 80. conversation
  81. coldness 82. subjects 83. losing
  84. being 85. healthily
  One possible version:
  It’s Our duty to save the environment. On June 5, I will go to school by bike or on foot instead of taking the bus. And I’ll ask my parents to ride bikes to work that day. At home, we’ll use less energy like electricity or water and spend less time when we’re taking a shower. I’ll also make full use of the paper and never use the plastic bags. I think we should eat less meat and plant more trees to protect our environment.   【2014年中考英语综合复习题(九)听力材料及参考答案】
  第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)
  听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。
  Text 1. How does Eric come to school?
  Text 2. What happened in this street in the morning?
  Text 3. What did your uncle go to Hong Kong for?
  Text 4. Who do you think this wallet belong to?
  Text 5. Jack, isn’t it a nice day?
  Text 6. W: It’s so hot, I want to swim in the East Lake.
  M: You’re not allowed to swim alone.
  Text 7. M: Are you ready to order?
  W: Let me have a look at the menu first.
  Text 8. W: I would like a room for Saturday. How much does it cost?
  M: It’s $28 for a single and $38 for a double.
  Text 9. M: The game is so close. What’s the time now?
  W: It’s twenty past four pm. It will be over in ten minutes.
  Text 10. M: Shall we go to the concert this evening? I have two tickets.
  W: Oh, sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m seeing my Dad off at the station at 8 pm.
  Text 11. W: How many people will go to the party?
  M: Twelve if the twin sisters and Kate can come.
  Text 12. M: The soup is delicious. Would you like some?
  W: No, thanks. I’m full.
  Text 13.
  W: What made you choose our university?
  M: There are all kinds of clubs and volleyball teams and baseball teams and so on. I especially like swimming and there is a swimming pool in your university, too.
  W: Do you play many sports?
  M: Yes. I like basketball and volleyball.
  W: Good, we have great teams here and you’ll be able to try out for them. Where did you go to school before?
  M: Wuhan No.1 Middle School.
  W: What subjects did you take before?
  M: Chinese, English, Math, Biology, Chemistry and Computer.
  W: Do you have your last report card?
  M: Yes, here it is.
  W: I see you got a “D” in Biology. Could you tell me why?
  M: Well. I found that subject hard. I think I’ll drop it for History.
  W: You could do that. I’ll show you around the school now.
  Text 14.
  W: Can I help you?   M: Yes, please. I want to buy some Christmas gifts for my kids.
  W: Well, what about toys? This doll is quite popular among children.
  M: Um... I don’t think my sons will like dolls.
  W: I’m sorry, then what about those toy cars? Boys always like those.
  M: Well, they seem suit my son well. What colors do you have?
  W: Red, blue, black, and yellow, 50 yuan each. But they are now on sale, so 70 yuan for both.
  M: OK. I’ll take a red one and a yellow one. Here is the money.
  W: Thank you. Do you want to buy some chocolate for your wife?
  M: No, thanks. I’ve already bought flowers.
  Text 15.
  W: Excuse me, is this the check-in desk for Flight 830 to Los Angeles?
  M: I hope so. That’s where I’m going. I’m going to study at a high school there.
  W: Me, too. I’m very worried. I’ve never been away from home for more than a couple of weeks before. Have you arranged somewhere to stay?
  M: Yeah. I was able to find a host family through some friends of my neighbors. How about you?
  W: I will live in the school dormitory. It’s one more thing to worry about along with studying, eating different food and speaking English all the time.
  M: But that’s why we’re going, isn’t it?
  W: You’re right. And that will help us to look for jobs or universities back home.
  M: I’ve already decided to be a conductor. I hope to attend a top American music school next year. What are your plans?
  W: I think I’ll see what this year is like before I make a decision. I think I’ll miss rice and dumplings too much. I can’t eat at McDonald’s every day.
  M: I’m sure there’s other food in the US. Look, the line is moving. Shall we get seats together on the plane?
  Text 16.
  David was a teacher, but he was rather lazy and forgetful. When he taught his students to read articles, he himself didn’t read it beforehand. He would call on a student to translate and explain for him. But the problem was, he always called the same student to do it day after day. To be polite, his students didn’t point this out to him. After being called for four days in a row, a student called Jack asked advice from his friend Frank. Frank said perhaps the teacher didn’t know every student, and told him what to do. The next day when the teacher said“Jack, translate and explain”, Jack replied, “Jack is not here today.”   “All right,” said his teacher, “you translate and explain.”
  1~5 ACABB 6~10 CCABC 11~15 CACAB
  16~20 BBCBC 21~25 ACBAA 26~30 BDAAD
  31~35 CBCAB 36~40 BDBCB 41~45 DACCB
  46~50 ADAAD 51~55 BBCDC 56~60 CDCAD
  61~65 BADDD 66~70 DBDAC 71. continue
  72. interest 73. give away 74. possible
  75. achieve 76. waited 77. sound
  78. alone 79. corner 80. quietly
  81. magazine 82. lucky 83. voice
  84. followed 85. words
  One possible version:
  Dear Tony,
  We Chinese are also willing to help people in different ways, let me tell you what will happen in our class next month. Our school calls on a volunteer activity this week, our class are very excited about this, and we’ve already had our plan. Some students are going to clean up Zhongshan Park, and they’ll put up signs asking people to keep the environment clean. Other students will visit the sick kids in the Children’s Hospital and bring them lovely gifts. And several boys are going to help the school gardener to plant trees and grow flowers. According to me, young people should take an active part in volunteering to help other people and learn from it.
  Your friend,
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本期点评名师  陈传光 男,江苏省连云港市罗阳中学高级教师、连云港市优秀教育园丁、江苏省教育学会会员,从事教育工作15年:曾获英语专业技能大赛市一等奖、班主任基本功大赛市一等奖:有多篇论文在各主流和核心期刊上发表:曾指导学生在各类竞赛中取得了不错的成绩,有多人获得省级奖和地市级奖。  How to Get Along with Others  In our daily life, we can’t
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