
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:knight282
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Survival after childhood cancer has been improving since the late 1970s in mos t developed countries.The Childhood Cancer Registry of Piedmont has been record ing malignant tumors in children(0-14 years)throughout Piedmont since 1967.T he present paper is based on the records of the 2,970 children diagnosed during the period 1970-2001;survival rates are estimated up to June 30,2004.Based on records from the Registrar Offices of the relevant towns of residence,1,698 ch ildren were reported to be alive,1,252 deceased,and 20 were of unknown vital s tatus.Over the period 1970-2001,5-year survival rates for all tumor types co mbined showed a statistically significant increasing trend(P < 0.0001).For acu te lymphocytic leukemia,the survival rate increased steadily from 24.7%(95%CI 15.0-34.3)in 1970-1974 to 87.8%(82.1-93.6)in 1995-1999.Five-year survi val rates for central nervous system tumors increased from 32.8%(21.0-44.6)in 1970-1974 to 80.3%(72.6-88.0)in 1990-1994 and decreased thereafter.Age of less than 1 year at time of diagnosis was a favorable prognostic factor for neu roblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma.The extent of disease at diagnosis was rela ted to prognosis for neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma and other selected s olid tumors.A white blood cell count greater than 50,000×106 cells/l was assoc iated with decreased survival in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia and ac ute non-lymphocytic leukemia.We have found positive trends in survival for all tumor types in Piedmont,similar to those reported by other population-based c ancer registries.Age,extent of disease,and white blood cell count at diagnosi s are prognostic factors for selected cancer sites. Survival after childhood cancer has been improving since the late 1970s in mos t developed countries. The Childhood Cancer Registry of Piedmont has been recorded ing malignant tumors in children (0-14 years) throughout Piedmont since 1967. He present paper is based on the records of the 2,970 children diagnosed during the period 1970-2001; survival rates are estimated up to June 30, 2004 based on records from the Registrar Offices of the relevant towns of residence, 1,698 ch ildren were reported to be alive, 1,252 deceased, and 20 were of unknown vital s tatus. Over the period 1970-2001, 5-year survival rates for all tumor types co mined showed a significant significant trend (P <0.0001). For acu te lymphocytic leukemia, the survival rate increased steadily from 95% CI 15.0-34.3 in 1970-1974 to 87.8% (82.1-93.6) in 1995-1999.Five-year survivar valsas for central nervous system tumors increased from 32.8% (21.0-44.6) in 1970 -1974 to 80.3% (72.6-88.0) in 1990-1994 and decreased thereafte r.Age of less than 1 year at time of diagnosis was a favorable prognostic factor for neu roblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma. the extent of disease at diagnosis was rela ted to prognosis for neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma and other selected s olid tumors. A white blood cell count greater than 50,000 × 106 cells / l was assocated with decreased survival in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia and ac ute non-lymphocytic leukemia. We have found positive trends in survival for all tumor types in Piedmont, similar to those reported by other population- based c ancer registries. Age, extent of disease, and white blood cell count at diagnosi s are prognostic factors for selected cancer sites.
清晨,几只蝴蝶翩翩飞舞着来到花园里。花园里的花正盛开着,在清晨阳光的照耀下,五颜六色的,格外鲜艳,有的花瓣上还挂着晶莹的露珠呢。  “我最喜欢红色的花了,像火焰一样。”一只花蝴蝶说。  “我最喜欢蓝色的花了,像天空一样蓝。”一只蓝蝴蝶落在一朵蓝色的花朵上。  “不,我喜欢黄色的花,感觉很温暖。”另一只蝴蝶有不同的看法。  于是,蝴蝶们在各自喜欢的花朵上翩翩起舞。有了她们的到来,这片原本就很漂亮的鲜
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