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以陆地棉(GosypiumhirsutumL.)栽培品种“鲁棉6号”下胚轴的胚性愈伤组织为材料,制备并培养原生质体。采用继代培养7~9d、活力旺盛的胚性愈伤组织,在1%纤维素酶、1%果胶酶、07mmol/LKH2PO4、25mmol/LCa2+、05mol/L甘露醇、pH58、30℃的条件下,具活力的原生质体得率最高。经分离纯化后,原生质体在含有045mol/L葡萄糖的K3无机盐、NT有机物并附加01mg/L2,4D、02mg/LKT的培养基中静置10~15min,原生质体分成上下两层。下层多为质浓、内含物丰富的小圆球形原生质体,在培养过程中易于分裂并形成愈伤组织。棉花原生质体在上述培养基中培养3d后出现第一次分裂,2~3周后形成小细胞团,此时需添换低渗培养基1~2次,小细胞团才能持续分裂并形成愈伤组织。再生愈伤组织块达3~5mm时,转入固体培养基繁殖、分化胚状体并形成再生植株。实验表明,采用活力旺盛的胚性愈伤组织及适时添换低渗培养液是棉花原生质体成株的关键。 The embryogenic callus of hypocotyl of Lintan 6 under Gosypium hirsutum L. was used as material to prepare and cultivate protoplasts. The embryogenic callus with subcultured vigorously for 7-9 days was cultured in the medium of 1% cellulase, 1% pectinase, 07mmol / L KH2PO4, 25mmol / L Ca2 + and 05mol / L mannitol, Under the conditions of pH58 and 30 ℃, the viable protoplasts yield the highest yield. After isolation and purification, the protoplasts were kept in the medium of K3 inorganic salts containing 0.45mol / L glucose, NT organics and added with 0.1 mg / L, 4 D, 0.2 mg / L KT for 10-15 min, and protoplasts Body is divided into two layers. The lower is mostly thick, rich in content of small spherical protoplasts, easy to divide in the culture process and the formation of callus. The protoplast of cotton was cultured in the above medium for 3 days and then the first division occurred. After 2 ~ 3 weeks, the small cell mass was formed. At this time, the low-permeability medium was added 1 ~ 2 times, the small cell mass could continue to divide and form more Wound tissue. Regenerated callus pieces up to 3 ~ 5mm, transferred to solid medium propagation, differentiation embryoid body and the formation of regenerated plants. Experiments show that the use of vigorous embryogenic callus and timely replacement of low-permeability culture medium is the key protoplasm cotton plant.
母亲 我在今天再次想起了你rn北方的今天已进入了四季分明的夏季rn我在我个人产权的三居室内rn在书房 在电脑桌前rn在高档香烟的缭绕中rn在吃过微波炉中自制的烤饼后rn在那种
本试验对不同耐酸铝毒性的大豆品种进行了一些生理指标的测定,其中包括光合速率,叶片及叶室温度,蒸腾速率及细胞间CO2 浓度,以研究这些性状与大豆耐酸铝性的关系。试验结果表明,在铝