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A trust region method is proposed to solve the problem of microwave tomography,which is very difficult to be solved for its ill-posedness and nonlinearity. Compared with the Levenberg-Marquardt method, this method introduces more a priori knowledge and mi
Implementing QoS, one of the eternal research subjects, on Internet has been attracting a lot of attentions although several schemes are already available. This
A QoS-aware input-queued scheduling algorithm, called Smallest Timestamp First (STF), is proposed, which is improved upon iSLIP and can allocate bandwidth among
In this letter, a new moment method using helical segments is presented to model Normal Mode Helical Antenna (NMHA). Using this method, the NMHA can be modeled
This paper presents a new video coding system based on wavelet transform and its rate control scheme over ATM networks. First, three dimensional wavelet transfo
Based on their "Theorem 2", an O(δ)-time algorithm of searching for the shortest path between each pair of nodes in a double loop network was proposed by K.Muk
摘 要:近年来,本人经过实地考察和反复探究,对茅仙洞文化的外层、中层和里层这三个层面,进行了梳理。本文就是介绍梳理的结果及初步思路。  关键词:茅仙洞文化外层中层里层  中图分类号:F590文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2011)06(a)-0233-01    1 茅仙洞简介  在淮河中游、八公山脉的西北处,有一山峰,名叫双峰山;而在双峰山的南侧峭崖上,有一个天然石洞,名叫茅仙洞。
Admission control plays an important role in providing QoS to network users. Motivated by the measurement-based admission control algorithm, this letter propose
摘 要:本文通过对“2009年度市本级民营企业班组长培训”工作的总结性阐述,论述了办班的调查、组织、监督的方式方法。透过本文论述,找出工作的不足之处,以便在今后的工作中吸收先进经验,强化不足。特别是经过总结后,发掘出许多更好的适应于班组长培训的方式方法作为今后工作的方向。  关键词:职业技术管理技能文化的提升  中图分类号:F24文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2011)05(a)-0
This paper mainly studies the influence of the relative position of target-sensors on the tracking accuracy of long range airplane. From theory analysis and sim