威美治疗仪 助我创业成功

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很多人说,创业这门子事,想想可以,真要做起来可没那么简单,其实这话只说对了一半。在个人创业的道路上,有人磕磕绊绊,走得非常艰辛,到最后也不一定有圆满的结局;而有的人善于把握机遇,在茫茫商海中找准目标,经过努力终究成就了一翻事业。这不仅与自身条件有关,更要看你是否善于慧眼识金,也就是对机会的把握,正所谓天时,地利,人和缺一不可。这一点,我深有体会。 Many people say that this undertaking to start a business can not be as simple as it can be done. In fact, this remark is only half correct. In the path of personal entrepreneurship, some people stumbling and going very difficult, and finally not necessarily have a successful outcome; and some people are good at seizing the opportunity to find the target in the vast sea of ​​business, after hard work to accomplish a turnaround. This is not only related to their own conditions, but also depends on whether you are good at recognizing gold, that is, to grasp the opportunity, the so-called weather, geography, and indispensable. This point, I deeply understand.
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