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去年1~9月份,全国钢、铁、材、矿的产量持续增长,但增长速度明显减缓。去年9月份,在国际市场需求加快回落的背景下,钢材出口有所下降,但仍达到667万吨,同比增加222.94万吨,增长50.2%。1~9月累计国内钢材共出口4850万吨,同比下降2.1%,降幅进一步有所下降。预计2009年出口钢材将回落到4000万吨左右,国内钢铁消费预计将比2008年略有增长,增幅在1%~2%之间,总量略超5亿吨。 From January to September last year, the output of steel, iron, timber and ore in the country continued to grow, but the growth rate slowed down obviously. In September last year, the export of steel products dropped slightly in response to the acceleration of demand in the international market but still reached 6.67 million tons, an increase of 2,222,400 tons or 50.2% over the same period of previous year. From January to September, a total of 48.5 million tons of domestic steel products were exported, a decrease of 2.1% from the same period of last year, a further drop in the decline. It is estimated that the exported steel products will drop to about 40 million tons in 2009, and the domestic steel consumption is expected to increase slightly from 1% to 2% in 2008, slightly over 500 million tons in total.
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