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  U-Jet: The Regulations states that except for nine scenarios, general aviation missions do not need to undergo application and approval procedures, but it follows that flight plans have to be submitted for approval. Isn’t it self-contradictory?
  Jin Junhao: It is not self-contradictory. The 2003 Regulations for General Aviation Flight Control states that general aviation in China has to go through two levels of approval: the “flight mission” approval, which is about the nature of the flight, under the jurisdiction of the flight control department of the Air Force, and “flight plan” approval, which is about flight schedule, route, altitude, origin and destination airport, under the jurisdiction of CAAC. If you understand this difference, you will find it easier to understand the statements in the Regulation. From now on, except for the nine scenarios, general aviation activities will no longer need to go through “flight mission” approval, but “flight plan” approval is still required. The two statements are not contradictory to each other.
  U-Jet: So you are saying the Regulation has no direct relation with the opening-up of low altitude airspace.
  Jin Junhao: You can say that. The Regulation is issued mainly to simplify general aviation approval procedures. It has no direct link with low altitude airspace. Due to the misunderstanding of the two concepts, “flight mission” and “flight plan”, the statement “except for the below nine scenarios, general aviation missions do not need to undergo application and approval procedures” is misinterpreted as airspace opening-up. But the ultimate goal is the same—to make it freer and more convenient for general aviation, only that the Regulation works on simplifying procedures, while low altitude opening-up aims to expand free flying airspace.
  U-Jet: With the Regulation, how much faster would it be for general aviation approval?
  Jin Junhao: It depends. General aviation activities not included in the 9 scenarios will surely get approval faster. But how much faster will depend on each individual case. The Regulation fully exemplified the principle of “no prohibition means permission”, where all activities other than the nine listed are exempted from approval. It is a huge progress. As the approval criteria for “flight plan” gets more specified, general aviation will get fairer and freer treatment.
  U-Jet: What is the nature of the Regulation in a legal sense?
  Jin Junhao: The Regulation is a document jointly issued by PLA General Staff Department and CAAC. Strictly speaking, it is not an administrative regulation, but a document with legal force issued by CAAC. It will become an administrative regulation and gain more legal force in the future.   Article 5 of the November 18, 2013 Regulations on the Approval and Management of General Aviation Missions (hereafter referred to as “the Regulation”) stipulates that “Except for the below nine scenarios, general aviation missions do not need to undergo application and approval procedures, but before flight operation, flight plans with detailed description of the nature of missions should be submitted for approval according to national flight control regulations. “ It follows with nine scenarios involving national defense and diplomatic matters, which are very rare in general aviation.
  While the statement “Except for the below nine scenarios, general aviation missions do not need to undergo application and approval procedures” gives hope that general aviation will be fully opened up, the following sentences raise doubt as to whether general aviation need to undergo application or approval at all.
  To clear the above misunderstandings, U-Jet invites Mr. Jin Junhao, Director of General Aviation Division, CAAC to offer authoritative interpretations.
  At 1400, November 28th, 2013, Reignwood Asia Aviation 400-6105-999 received an emergent mission from International SOS. An Italian patient with multiple thromboembolism need to be transported to Hong Kong for immediate treatment.
  As the Regulation states that except for nine scenarios involving borderline or national security, all other general aviation missions do not need to undergo application and approval procedures, Reignwood was able to save a lot of time. By 1800, they had already obtained approval from CAAC while its medical team transported a 200kg ICU to its operating base in Tianjin.
  At 0300, November 29th, 2013, the emergency relief flight arrived at Hong Kong after a 4-hour flight. Sun Yongan, President of Reignwood Asia Aviation calls for bigger support, “As a social undertaking business, government support played a critical role in our successful mission. If on the basis of the current fast track, the government could provide priority approval and dispatch, it will be a huge step forward for China’s medical emergency flight services.”
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