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  1. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads _______ rising these days. (2006年高考全国卷II)
  A. was keeping B. keep
  C. keeps D. were keeping
  2. -Your job _______ open for your return.
  -Thanks. (2006年高考北京卷)
  A. will be kept B. will keep
  C. had kept D. had been kept
  3. It’s said that dogs will keep you _______ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. (2006年高考江西卷)
  A. safety B. company
  C. house D. friend
  4. -Thank goodness, you’re here! What _______ you?
  -Traffic jam. (2004年高考全国卷III)
  A. keeps B. is keeping
  C. had kept D. kept
  1. keep 用作及物动词,意为“拥有;保存;保留;饲养(动物);抚养(人);遵守;阻止;拖延;存放;保守;记载;记录;庆祝(节日);过……的风俗;开设(商店,饭馆等);经营等”。用作不及物动词,意为“ (食物) 保鲜”。如:
  Can I trust all of you to keep a secret? 我能相信你们都会保守秘密吗?
  I always keep a first aid box in the car, in case we have an accident. 我总是在车里放一个急救箱,以便出事时用。
  He plans to keep a small restaurant when he retires. 他打算退休后开个小饭馆。
  How do I know you’ll keep your word? 我怎么知道你会不会履行诺言?
  He should come to get together with us by now, what’s keeping him? 他现在本就该和我们在一起了,什么事把他耽搁了?
  Most people in western countries keep Christmas. 西方国家的大多数人有过圣诞节的风俗。
  2. keep用作系动词, 后面可跟形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、现在分词等, 意为“保持某种状态, 留在某处”。如:
  He kept in the shade because it was hot. 天太热了,他一直呆在阴凉的地方。
  The doorbell kept ringing until I answered. 门铃一直在响着,直到我去开。
  3. keep用作使役动词, 意思为“使(某人或某物)保持或继续处于(某种状态);使(某人)停留于某处”。结构形式为keep + 宾语(sb./sth.) + 宾语补足语(形容词/副词/介词短语/分词/名词/过去分词),如:
  How long are they going to keep her in the hospital? 他们想让她在医院里住多久?
  We try to keep the major roads open right through winter. 我们设法使主要道路整个冬天畅通无阻。
  I’ll try not to keep you waiting. 我会尽量不让你久等。
  You couldn’t keep your eyes shut to all this. 你绝对不能对这一切视而不见。
  keep back “不透露,隐瞒,保留”
  keep down “控制,防止增加”
  keep off “防止,避开,使免受(某物)的影响”
  keep on“继续(干),不停止”
  keep out“使留在外面,不进入”
  keep up “使居高不下,使不低落,保持良好状态,坚持,熬夜”
  keep up with “跟上”
  keep a promise “信守诺言”
  keep a secret “保守秘密”
  keep a record “做记录”
  keep sb company “与某人作伴”
  keep pace with “跟上,与……并驾齐驱”
  keep track of “掌握……的线索,了解……的动态”
  keep in touch with “与……保持联系”
  keep one’s balance “保持平衡”
  keep your eyes on sb.“照顾,照看”
  keep... in mind “记住,想着,把……记在心里”
  keep fit “保持健康”
  keep sb from doing sth “使某人不做某事”
  keep in with “继续和……友好”
  keep out of “不卷入,置身于……之外”
  keep silence “保持沉默”
Ⅰ、完成句子  阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。  1、The little boy with__________(缺两颗门牙)ran into the house.(miss)  2.If we had taken the other road,we might________(早点到).(arrive)
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  A man was found______in a grave with a long______.He was believed to______ ______atthe age of 40.He laid on his left side______north-wards.____
(A)    假如你是李明,你班同学获悉省政府提出“高中学生在校集中学习时间不得超过八小时”的要求后,对如何支配由此增加的校外时间展开了讨论。请你根据下列表格所示内容,用英文写一封电子邮件,向你的英国朋友John介绍相关情况。    词数:120左右。  学生习作:  Dear John,   I am writing to tell you about the discussion which
Ⅰ.多项选择  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1.My college friends and I write to each other_________,even when there' s not much to say. and then and by  C.step by step D.more or less
I remember my first Christmas party with Grand-ma.I was just a kid.I remember tearing across townon my bike to visit her on the day my big sisterdropped the bomb:"There is no Sania Claus."shejeered.
[经典考题]  1、I have_______all my papers but still can't find my notes.  A.looked through B.looked after  C.looked for D.looked out
一、 have 具有使役意义, 意为“让、使、叫”等, 后接不定式、V-ing形式、V-ed形式以及形容词、副词等作宾语补足语。  1. have sb. do sth.接省略to的不定式, 表示让某人干某事。如:  I had my uncle repair my bike yesterday.  2. have sb. doing sth., have相当于keep, 强调使某人一直干某事,
编者语:听力测试在高考英语考试题中占五分之一的比重, 其重要性不言而喻。高考在即, 30分的听力测试, 当务之急是什么呢?掌握一定的听力技巧, 你的听力成绩百尺竿头更进一步。“听应有法, 但无定法, 贵在得法”。一语道破高分听力秘籍。希望同学们认真领会, 巧借技巧, 积极实践。    一、保持良好心境    这点说起来容易做时难, 因为遇考试不紧张者寥寥无几, 但是在考试时又必须保持心态平静, 至
在平常的学习和考试中,我们会经常遇到一些词的意思不是我们平常所接触的意思,这样的词在英语中很多, 下面列出了一些比较常见的词,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。  1. address vt.  (1) 称呼(熟义:地址,写地址)   The president should be addressed as “Mr. President”. 总统应称为“总统先生”。   (2) 直接向……说   She
养兵千日,用兵一时,“用兵之日”即将到来!  三年耕耘,三年播种,三年养精蓄锐,三年磨刀砥砺。一路走来,风也萧萧,雨也萧萧,相信此时的你,一定是万事俱备,只待一战了。  临战的你是焦急还是激动?是害怕还是期待?临战前的心情一定百味交加,各种矛盾,各种感受纠结在心。深呼吸一下,闭上眼睛,想象你走进心中理想学府的那一瞬间:幽静的校园,渊博的师长,杰出的同学……你就知道自己的努力是不会白费的。天道酬勤,