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  彼得·M·赫弗德(Peter M. Herford),美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)前新闻副总裁、汕头大学长江新闻与传播学院教授及香港大学新闻与传播研究中心客座教授。彼得主要从事国际新闻和影视传播等方面的研究,在哥伦比亚广播公司从业达27年。他坚持每天读五份英文报纸的电子版,广泛的阅读,让他对中国的诸多变化了如指掌。
  Editor: What do you think American students can learn from Chinese students?
  Peter: How to work. Very simple. How to work. By comparison the American students I know are 1)relatively, relatively lazy. More than relatively lazy, very lazy. Part of this is family. Part of this is culture.

  Education is valued so highly in China. You’ve all experienced it, I’m sure, from your homes. The pressure from home to be a good student, to do well, is 2)enormous. Now it’s not that American, or other foreign families, do not say “Be a good student and go.” But the pressure is simply different.
  Best example I know is:I was at one point being considered for a job at Berkeley, at the University of California at Berkley. And in the interview process I had occasion to meet the 3)Chancellor, the Head of the University. And I had not been on the Berkeley campus in about 10 or 15 years.
  And I said to him, I said, “The biggest change I see is the number of Asians you have on this campus.” Which at that point, was about 40 % of the Berkeley population was Asian. And he started laughing, and I said, “What’s so funny?”
  He said, “You know, if we played really by the rules of 4)admission, this would be a 100 % Asian campus.”
  Well, today it’s about a 60 or 70 % Asian campus. That tells you all you need to know about how hard Asians work on education. And that simply has to do with 5)discipline. That really has to do with discipline. That begins in the home. That begins with the family. And even if children are 6)resistant to family, youknow,“Enough already, I don’t want to work so hard,” they still do it, ’cause they want to keep peace in the family.

  Editor: That’s probably because most Chinese students are shy when they’re in a different language environment, and choose to study hard in the back of the classroom, instead of speaking out, it helps them get good grades.
  Peter: Yeah, but it also has to do with competition. And that is, that in a country this size, the competition for jobs is so powerful, and the students all know, again because of the way the system operates, that if you come from one of the national universities, one of the best universities, and you have a good record, your chance of getting a better job is better.

  That’s not necessarily true outside of China. Outside of China the process of hiring people is much more an individual process. That is, there are many companies, many industries that have a particular kind of employee in mind. And that may not be the best student. That may not be the student from the top university. They’re more interested in not only looking at the paper record of who you are, but they’re interested in talking to you and getting a feel for who you are.
  I find here, because of the problem of the numbers, the system has been so 7)regimented that you have to go by the numbers. And I think the unfortunate thing is many Chinese students, who may not be good at taking examinations, for instance. And there are people like that. They’re very, very good students. They have good minds, but they’re not good at examinations. They get lost in the system. And you’re losing talent that way.

  And this is particularly true, going back the question of the arts and artists. Very often creative people are not good classical students, in the sense of being good at examinations, and good at getting grades. They may work very hard, but their minds work differently. Their minds do not work by getting answers to questions. They think differently. And that, I think, is one of the reasons there’s a slower progress in the creative area.
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