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“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。”这是一种美好的意境。可真要在这意境里生活,你又能坚持多久,一星期?一个月?还是一年?你要和无尽的风沙抗争。每天早上,你要用力推开被沙掩住的门。你要走出几十里地,才能拉来饮水。每一丛梭梭、每一枝沙柳,在你眼里都是天堂一般的风景。风沙里,几乎种不下任何作物,牛羊能吃的食物也极其有限,你的生计无从谈起。活不了命,有什么心情欣赏自然之美?土地沙化,被称为“地球癌症”。中国有三分之一 “The desert solitary smoke straight, the river fell yen. ” This is a beautiful mood. You really want to live in this mood, how long can you persist, a week? A month? Or a year? You have to fight with the endless wind and sand. Every morning, you have to push hard against the door covered with sand. You have to go dozens of miles before you can draw water. Each cluster Haloxylon, each Salvia, in your eyes are paradise-like landscape. In the sand, almost no crop is planted, and the food that can be eaten by cattle and sheep is extremely limited. Your livelihood can not be discussed. Life is not life, what mood to enjoy the beauty of nature? Land desertification, known as “Earth cancer ”. One third of China
Rubber(Hevea brasiliensis)is one of the most rapidly expanding cash crops in tropical Asia especially Xishuangbanna.Conserving tropical forest largely depends o
A 330-500 GHz zero-biased broadband monolithic integrated tripler is reported.The measured results show that the maximum efficiency and the maximum output power
A high quality of GaAs crystal growth in nanoscale V-shape trenches on Si(001) substrates is achieved by using the aspect-ratio trapping method.GaAs thin films
We propose and demonstrate a Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser(EDFL) using an erbium-doped zirconiaalumina silica glass-based fiber(Zr-EDF) as a saturable abs
We report a back-gated metal-oxide-ferroelectric-metal(MOFM) field-effect transistor(FET) with lead zirconate titanate(PZT) material,in which an Al doped zinc o
We study the synchronization dynamics in a system of multiple interacting populations of phase oscillators.Using the dimensionality-reduction technique of Ott a
A simple and repeatable method is proposed for fabricating microfluidic channels on polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)substrates. In the proposed approach, ridge struct
We report a cw Tm:YAP laser resonantly pumped Ho:LuVO_4 laser in passively Q-switched(PQS) mode with Cr~(2+):ZnS as a saturable absorber(SA).The influence of di
We report the experimental observation of two-dimensional Talbot effect when a resonance plane wave interacts with a two-dimensional atomic density grating gene