
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boosmm
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过去,我对盆景这门艺术还很陌生。一九八五年我有机会参观了一次盆景展,对盆景艺术产生了极大兴趣,我就订阅了《中国花卉报》、《中国花卉盆景》和《花木盆景》,从此这些报刊便成了案头、枕边书。经过几年的自学和实践总结出了北方高寒干旱地区家庭莳养盆景经验点滴,请专家和同道批评指正。一、树桩采挖时间库伦旗位于内蒙古自治区东北部。冬季最低气温零下35度;夏季最高气温零上34度左右。年平均降雨量为500-1000mm左右。冰冻期长达5个多月。全年风沙时间长达半年之多。由于以上自然条件该地区采挖树桩黄金时间为四月中下旬。成活率达90%以上。早春和晚秋采挖树桩,由於气温地温过低,不论地植还是盆栽均不利于生根。二则长期干旱风沙大,易使桩坯严重失水而枯死。二、树桩培植树桩采挖方法,有关资料已有论述,因而不必再提,只就培植方法谈几点体会。1.培植土和培植方法他民查干(死亡之沙)纯白眼沙为最好的培植土。经几年的实践证明,不论树桩大小,一次性上盆成活均高过90%以上。具体方法是:首先,根据树桩选好盆,然后用瓦片堵好底孔,盆底装河砂适量,随后把树桩植于纯白沙中压实,但必须留3-4公分盆沿以利于装粗砂固沙。但是要注意的是树桩 In the past, I was still unfamiliar with the art of bonsai. In 1985, I had the opportunity to visit a bonsai exhibition. I was greatly interested in the art of bonsai. Since then, I have subscribed to the “China Flowers”, “Chinese Flower Bonsai” and “Flower Bonsai.” Since then, these newspapers have become Desk, pillow book. After several years of self-study and practice summed up the northern cold and drought-growing family bonsai bonsai bit by bit, please experts and fellow criticism and correction. First, stump excavation time Kulun flag is located in the northeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The minimum temperature in winter is minus 35 degrees; summer maximum temperature is about 34 degrees above zero. The average annual rainfall is about 500-1000mm. Frozen for up to 5 months. The annual sandstorm time of up to six months. Due to the above natural conditions in the area dredging stump prime time in late April. Survival rate of 90% or more. Early spring and late autumn stump excavation, because the temperature is too low, regardless of planting or potted are not conducive to rooting. Two long-term droughts and winds, easy to make a serious dehydration and pile blank dead. Second, stump cultivation stump excavation method, the relevant information has been discussed, so no need to mention, just talk about cultivation methods to experience. 1. Cultivation of soil and cultivation methods He Zhan dry (sand of death) pure white sand as the best soil cultivation. After several years of practice has proved that, regardless of stump size, one-time on the pot are above 90% higher survival. The specific method is: first, according to the stump selected basin, and then plug the bottom hole with a tile, the bottom of the basin installed amount of river sand, and then stump planted in pure white sand compaction, but must stay 3-4 cm basin edge to facilitate Grit mounted sand. But pay attention to the stump
1982年、1983年是“1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约1978年议定书”(以下简称议定书)开始生效的一年。 关于该议定书的规定,有关人员都很清楚。在迎接议定书生效之际,对特别