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如果将我国的经济版图以区域进行划分的话,大大小小可能有几十个,但到目前为止形成气候的,也就是以下几个:东北经济区、首都经济区、长江三角洲经济区、珠江三角洲经济区。而从近年来的发展趋势看,长江三角洲经济区无疑是它们当中最具规模、基础最为雄厚、市场容量最大、投资环境最好的经济区。即使在全球性的经济区域中,长江三角洲经济区也能排在前几名。 然而,长江三角洲经济区的发展并不是一帆风顺的。在20世纪80年代至90年代中期差不多整整10年的时间,尽管国家和地方的各级主管部门都意识到了长江三角洲经济区的重要性,经济界、企业界、舆论界也为长江三角洲经济区的发展推波助澜,但长江三角洲经济区的建设和发展并不尽如人意。分析下来,其原因不外乎有以下几点: 首先,行政指令性的色彩过于浓厚,“拉郎配”的做法占据了主导地位,没有充分调动起企业界和民间组织的积极性和参与性,忽视了“市场经济规律”在其中应起的调节作用,最终使得构造长江三角洲经济区未能如愿。 其次,构造长江三角洲经济区的客观条件还不是十分成熟,整个长江三角洲的经济发展水平还没有达到足以支撑起如此巨大的经济区域的规模,投资环境也不完善,市场容量也没有大到能够保证为数众多的企业生存和发展所必备的水平。 进入到20世 If we divide the economic map of our country by region, there may be tens or less, but the climate so far has reached the following levels: the Northeast Economic Zone, the Capital Economic Zone, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. Judging from the development trend in recent years, the economic zone of the Yangtze River Delta is undoubtedly the most large-scale economic zone with the most abundant foundation, the largest market capacity and the best investment environment. Even in the global economic zone, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone can be ranked in the top few. However, the development of the economic zone in the Yangtze River Delta is not easy. Almost exactly 10 years from the 1980s to the mid-1990s, although the competent authorities at all levels at the national and local levels were aware of the importance of the economic zone in the Yangtze River Delta, the economic, business and public opinion sectors also provided economic and social benefits to the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone However, the construction and development of the economic zone in the Yangtze River Delta are not satisfactory. Analyzed, the reason is nothing more than the following points: First of all, the administrative command of the color is too thick, “pull Lang” approach dominates, did not fully mobilize the enthusiasm and participation of business and non-governmental organizations, Ignoring the regulatory role that the “law of the market economy” should play in adjusting the economic structure of the Yangtze River Delta and ultimately failing to do so. Secondly, the objective conditions for constructing the economic zone in the Yangtze River Delta are not yet quite mature. The economic development of the entire Yangtze River Delta has not yet reached a level sufficient to support such a huge economic zone, the investment environment is not perfect, and the market capacity is not large enough to guarantee A large number of enterprises necessary for the survival and development level. Into the twentieth Century
曾有山东“北大荒”之称的黄河三角洲,今天却与“高效”、“绿色”结下了不解之缘。其中心城市东营市,初步走出了一条既重视“高效”,又关注“生态”的可持续发展道路。 东
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在洗涤行业 ,几乎所有人都知道奇强洗衣粉在农村市场的骄人战绩 ,但城市则是白猫、碧浪和奥妙的统治区。当奇强的农村包围城市战略取得了阶段性成果之后 ,迅速挺进城市。奇强