
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beichensi
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进入80年代后,由于各种改革思潮的影响,西方国家的意识形态和思想文化的大量涌入,苏联青年学生的思想十分活跃,引起了教育部门和教育工作者的普遍关注。他们通过不同形式和各种渠道发表意见。他们认为,中学的政治课教学,一方面要适应新情况的变化,但更重要的是要坚持那些行之有效的、经常的长久起作用的做法。一、把教学过程作为培养共产主义信念的过程,要用列宁的崇高思想去触发学生的心灵。在共产主义意识形态和资产阶级意识形态展开殊死搏斗的复杂时代,如何向青年学生传 Since the 1980s, due to the influence of various reforms, the ideological and ideological cultures of Western countries have influxed, and the thoughts of young Soviet students are very active. This has aroused general concern of the education sector and educators. They express their opinions through different forms and various channels. They believe that the teaching of politics in middle schools should adapt to changes in the new situation on the one hand, but it is more important to stick to those effective, regular and long-lasting actions. First, using the teaching process as a process of cultivating communist beliefs, we must use Lenin’s lofty ideas to trigger students’ hearts. How to pass on to young students in the complex era of communist ideology and bourgeois ideology?
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共享是普照大地的阳光,是弥漫在空气中的花香。以开放的姿态,与人共享,多年后,人们或许早已忘记当时的得失,而与人共享的快乐却得以永恒。 Sharing is the shine of the sun
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