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连续性教育是系统连贯地进行的教育。即人们按一定的目标法则顺序进行的教育活动。近年来一个更广泛的成人教育和创新之间的联系已经日渐突出。总体而言,可以观察到的成人教育活动与创新绩效有很强的相关性。连续性教育有两种模型,一是工艺模型,二是有机体模型。前者视孩子为需加工的材料,教育是可与手工艺相比拟的加工技术,教师先知道做什么,要根据孩子的特性进行教育,从外部塑造孩子,而不是让孩子自己选择和主动发展;后者则与此相反,把孩子看作如同植物种子的发芽,成长,开花结果一样,有其内在的法则,教师只能以孩子的先天素质为起点,按其内在法则,帮助孩子成长。这两种模式的教育观,均从教育过程的连续性和生长过程的连续性的假设出发,认为人完全可以按目标和规则塑造,要求对孩子教育必须系统连贯,所以把它们都叫做连续教育。 Continuing education is a systematic and consistent education. That is, people conduct educational activities in the order of certain target laws. The connection between a broader range of adult education and innovation has come to prominence in recent years. In general, there is a strong correlation between observable adult education activities and innovation performance. There are two kinds of continuous education model, one process model, the second is the organic model. The former regards children as materials to be processed, and education is a processing technique that can be compared with handicrafts. Teachers should know what to do first, educate children according to their characteristics, and shape children from the outside instead of letting children choose and take the initiative to develop themselves. On the other hand, seeing children as having the same germination, growth and flowering results as the seeds of plants has its inherent laws. Teachers can only help children grow according to their innate qualities as a starting point. Based on the assumption of the continuity of the education process and the continuity of the growth process, both models of education view that people can be shaped according to the goals and rules and that they must be systematic and coherent to their children’s education. Therefore, all of them are called continuous education .
热闹的春节长假过后,新一年的工作学习计划又提上了日程。也许你会做一个年度计划,甚至是更长远的5年、10年计划,比如:存钱买车、坚持健身计划、学习一门外语等等。那么,如何才能更好地完成我们的计划呢?来看看心理专家的建议吧。  既要高瞻远瞩,也要考虑细节  我们在考虑下一年的计划时,一开始这些想法都比较简单,这种情况在年终总结中也总是会出现。这是因为在我们的认知活动中,通常对于时间距离比较远的事情,往