执法卫士遇袭 焦点访谈揭密——《焦点访谈》播出引起全国瞩目

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福州市财委保卫处处长郑依清,在执法中查处私宰生猪窝点时,被打伤致死,经中央电视台曝光后,引起了全社会的关注。经多方努力,今年3月福州中院作出重新判决,案件主犯终于被绳之以法。本案自中央电视台曝光后,在我刊读者中引起强烈反响,纷纷打电话或致信本刊编辑部,表达对本案的关注,反映类似执法难和暴力抗法问题。我们编发如下两篇小稿,一是为了纪念郑依清同志,呼吁屠宰执法工作者,学习郑依清同志不畏危险,勇担重任的精神;二是希望藉此督促类似问题的妥善解决,切实保证《生猪屠宰管理条例》的顺利贯彻实施。 Zheng Yiqing, director of the Security Department of Fuzhou Municipal Finance Committee, was injured and wounded when he was punished for law enforcement by slaughtering slaughtered pigs. After being exposed by China Central Television, it aroused the concern of the whole society. After various efforts, the Fuzhou Intermediate Court made a new verdict in March this year. The culprit was finally brought to justice. After this case was exposed by CCTV, it aroused strong repercussions among my readers. Both of them called or wrote to our editorial department to express their concerns about this case, which reflected the similar problems of law enforcement and violent resistance. We compiled the following two drafts. One is to commemorate Comrade Zheng Yiqing and call for the slaughtering of law enforcement workers and to learn the spirit of Comrade Zheng Yiqing for fear of danger and bravery. Second, we hope this will urge the proper resolution of similar problems and earnestly ensure that “pigs Slaughter Management Ordinance ”smoothly implemented.
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在第10届“中国新闻奖”的评选中,新华社的科技新闻《“天体大十字”预言宣告破产》(新华社 1999年 8月 18日播发)一稿被评为消息一等奖。这篇经过精心雕琢而成的精品,具有以下四点特色: 一
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