
来源 :中国钱币 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dropmylove
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The crime and circulation of counterfeit money in Yuan Dynasty was very serious, besides the corrupt money system and the criminal, technical reason should be regarded. The paper money of Yuan Dynasty had many shortages on paper’s production, surface design, time limit of the plate and types of the note, these shortages given the criminal a chance to counterfeiting, also enhanced the difficulty for people to distinguish them, this was the most important reason of overflowing of the counterfeit money in Yuan Dynasty. The crime and circulation of counterfeit money in Yuan Dynasty was very serious, besides the corrupt money system and the criminal, technical reason should be considered. The paper money of Yuan Dynasty had many shortages on paper’s production, surface design, time limit of the plate and types of the note, these shortages given the criminal a chance to counterfeiting, also enhanced the difficulty for people to distinguish them, this was the most important reason of overflowing of the counterfeit money in Yuan Dynasty.
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8月28日17时04分,上海铁路局由乌鲁木齐发往濮阳的一零客列车在武威市黄羊镇土坝河车站发生火灾,烧毁两节车厢,经济损失约20万元。 武威市荣华公安消防中队接警后于17时45分
据《Computer Product News》10卷9期报道;由英国Della Data Ltd有限公司推出的Dataloc是专为单独使用或在网络中使用的个人计算机而设计的一种组合加密和存取控制保密系统
<正> 长期以来,人们对毛泽东法学思想研究不够,更有一些人贬低甚至否定毛泽东法学思想,要么认为他对法学只有零星论述,没有系统理论,难以成为我国法制建设的指导思想;要么认为他重人治不重法治,是法律虚无主义者,根本没有法学思想。事实上,毛泽东在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,在加强法制建设的同时,形成了系统的法学思