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血缘社会是中国古代法的一面镜子,如果我们想要深入了解古代法律制度,就必须对血缘社会有所研究。由于小农经济在华夏大地的主导地位和商业发展的不完善,具有严格等级观念的血缘社会得以建立起来。血缘社会具有等级性、封闭性和延续性等特点,这就使得在中国宗教难以壮大、君主专制盛行、和谐观念强化。当然,血缘社会对中国古代法的影响最大。本文通过分析一些具有代表性的朝代中法律和血缘的结合,揭示出中国古代法礼法合一的趋势。血缘因素在中国古代法中的功能主要有制衡君权、影响诉讼、家规补充国法等。 Blood society is a mirror of the ancient Chinese law. If we want to understand the ancient legal system in depth, we must study the blood-related society. Owing to the dominance of the smallholder economy in the vast land of Huaxia and the imperfect commercial development, blood-clan societies with a strict hierarchy of ideas have been established. Bloodline society has the characteristics of being hierarchical, closed and continuous, which makes it difficult for religion to grow in China, the prevalence of monarchy and the enhancement of the concept of harmony. Of course, the blood society has the greatest influence on the ancient Chinese law. By analyzing the combination of law and kinship in some representative dynasties, this article reveals the tendency of ancient Chinese law of rites and law. The main functions of kinship factors in ancient Chinese law are the checks and balances, the influence of lawsuits, the supplement of family rules and other national laws.
目的:检测胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors,GISTs)中环氧合酶2(cyclooxygenase 2,COX2)及核转录因子-κB(nuclear factor-kappa B,NF-κB)基因的蛋白及m RNA表
目的:探究肝素酶(heparanase,HPSE)参与肝癌细胞与血管内皮细胞粘附的相关机制,以确定参与粘附过程的关键硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白多糖(heparin sulfate proglycan HSPG),并获得其细
目的通过大肠癌体外细胞模型,利用RNA干扰技术,探讨ATM基因沉默是否对大肠癌HT29细胞的放射敏感性有影响。方法设计并构建ATM基因小分子干扰RNA(Small interfering RNA, siRN
背景据统计乳腺癌为全球女性常患肿瘤中恶性程度最高的肿瘤,虽然基础和临床科学家已对乳腺癌进行研究,但其预后仍较差。micro RNAs(miRNAs)是长度为20-25个核苷酸的高保守非
目的探究734例回汉族食管胃交界部腺癌(adenocarcinoma of eso Phagogastric junction,AEG)患者的临床病理特征及预后相关的影响因素。方法选择2002-01至2012-12于宁夏医科大