
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love56789
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社会主义的一个实质性内涵,就是认识、剖析和诊断现时代的资本主义问题,并给出相应的替代性方案。这也是左翼政治的恒久理论和历史主题。2008年国际金融危机的爆发,宣告了21世纪初全球化和信息化的黄金时代已经结束,资本主义世界体系在衰退和萧条的边缘徘徊。资本主义的体制和运行机制问题重新成为人们关注的焦点,这又一次激发了西方左翼思潮对资本主义体系的分析、诊断和批判,他们在重温马克思的基本方法、理论洞见和历史预言的基础上,探索对于资本主义体系的替代性方案,并将此列入21世纪社会主义的理论、政治和历史议程。 One of the substantive connotations of socialism is to understand, analyze and diagnose contemporary capitalist issues and give corresponding alternatives. This is also a permanent theory and historical theme of left-wing politics. The outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008 declared that the golden age of globalization and informatization in the 21st century has come to an end and that the capitalist world system is on the brink of recession and depression. Once again, the issue of the system and operating mechanism of capitalism has become the focus of attention. This once again arouses the analysis, diagnosis and criticism of the capitalist system by the Western left-wing trend of thought. They are revisiting the basic methods, theoretical insights and historical predictions of Marxism , Explore alternatives to the capitalist system and include it in the theoretical, political and historical agenda of socialism in the 21st century.
目的:介绍新的更有效的内痔注射方式。方法:用多普勒血流仪引导注射治疗内痔出血 与脱出,与单纯注射治疗对照观察。结果:一年后出血复发率治疗组为10%,对照组为119.17%(P< 0.05);内痔脱出复发率,治疗
目的 :探讨免疫参数与测试对象的身体素质、技术水平和机能状态的关系 ,了解测试对象现阶段的免疫能力和运动能力。方法 :早晨 8点训练前抽取静脉血 ,进行免疫机能的检测 ,并
最高人民检察院和公安部近日联合下发通知,要求各 级检察院、公安机关高度重视并切实做好保护公安、检察 干警执法权益工作。 (11月4日《新京报》) “警察也是人”,是国家的
It was demonstrated that both nociceptin, a novel opioid neuropeptide, and its receptor are present in trigeminovascular neurons. In an animal model nocicepti n
为了保护医患双方的合法权益 ,最大限度地实现公平和公正 ,医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定是查明死亡原因 ,妥善处理医疗纠纷的前提和条件。本报道旨在通过所做鉴定的医疗纠纷案件 ,探