禾谷类作物尤其是小麦,对全蚀病(Gaeumannomyces graminis(Sacc)V.Arx和Olivier var.fritici J. Walker)的易感性,促使各方面研究和发展有效而实用的化学防治措施.土壤灌溉灭菌有一定的防治效果(Bateman等,1982),但不适宜大范围的各种地区应用.虽然近年(Dolezal等,1981;Bockus,1983)的研究表明,种子处理对上述病害有一定的控制效果,但在大田条件下这一措施往往又是无效的(Chambers,1962;Halsey等,1983).作者1986年在澳大利亚的维
The susceptibility of cereal crops, especially wheat, to eclipse (Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc) V.Arx and Olivier var. Virgini J. Walker) has led to the development of effective and practical chemical control measures in all aspects. Bacteria have certain control effects (Bateman et al., 1982), but are not suitable for a wide range of applications in various regions. Although studies in recent years (Dolezal et al., 1981; Bockus, 1983) show that seed treatment has certain control effects on these diseases , This measure is often ineffective under field conditions (Chambers, 1962; Halsey et al., 1983). In 1986, the authors’