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  摘 要:語境对于跨文化交际的发展有着重要意义.而不同的文化中语境的影响不同,因此存在高低语境之分.本文将主要分析其在交际方式,商业谈判目的,广告用语和写作特点方面的不同,来论证掌握高低语境不同的重要性.
  Context is significant to the development of cross-cultural communication. However, context plays different roles in different cultures, so it can be classified into high and low context. This paper will mainly analyze their influence in communication styles, goals of business negotiations, advertising language and writing styles, thus testing the significance of mastering the differences of high and low culture.
  KEY WORDS:cross-cultural communication high context low context
  Brief Introduction of the high-and low-context culture
  It’s known that only relying on the language itself cannot complete “human communication”, namely, language is forever accomplishes its communication task on the premise of the context. However, context plays different roles in different cultures. Hall categorizes culture as being either high or low culture, depending on the degree to which meaning comes from the setting or from the words being exchanged.
  High context refers to that the vast majority of information either exists in the context, or is internalized in personal communicators, rarely appears in the information with clear coding; low context refers to that a large number of information is delivered only by the information with clear coding, during which context occupied a minor position in the message. So there are big differences between them and the study on high and low context is vital for cross-cultural communication.
  The Different Influence of High and Low Context Culture
  ⅠThe Differences of Communication Styles
  In high context culture, consistent information gets consistent reaction from the environment. Therefore, it is unnecessary to include meaning in the discourse. As representatives of high context culture, Chinese speak in a more refined way. Little message is conveyed by explicit codes and much is hidden in the language environment; When communicating, Chinese don’t want to express their disagreement with others directly, but often use expressions and gestures even silence to express their own points of view. So their real intention is sometimes difficult to obtain from the speech information.
  In low context culture, language conveys the most information, while context and the participants only contain little. As representatives of low context culture, Americans talk in a relatively straightforward way. When communicating, thought are directly expressed and information is mainly conveyed by language symbols.   Ⅱ Differences of Goals of Business Negotiations
  Chinese, deeply influenced by the high context culture, often think the goal of negotiation is not signing an agreement, but building a relationship. High context culture is a typical emotion-driven culture, emphasizing the “human” and “human relationship”.
  For low context culture countries, negotiators of United States regard the agreements as the ultimate goal of negotiation. Low context culture is a typical task-driven culture paying more attention to practical problems and interests.
  Ⅲ Differences of Advertising Language
  In high context culture, symbol is the main characteristic of the use of language, so it emphasizes the fusion of culture and setting, and consistency of cultural symbols in the language codes. In China, the information senders use the well-known symbol meaning in the cultural behavior in order to strengthen the audiences’ degree of uncertainty to the advertising.
  In low context culture, science and reason are dominant, the use of language symbols place emphasis on direct statements. Therefore, the principle of expression is a real detailed description of product, and the advertising information tends to rationalize the theme of the text and let the facts speak as much as possible.
  Ⅳ Differences of Ways of Writing
  In terms of the expression of the theme, the author influenced by low context will give it at the first place, while high context works need the reader themselves to understand the theme; In terms of the work structure, works in low context culture usually have relatively tight structure, every detail are interconnected, while the structure in high context culture is more loosely, and all the details are relatively loose.
  Ⅴ Differences in Ways to Get Information
  People in high context tend to get a lot of information from the inter-personal communication, while those in low context prefer objective information.
  In today’s world, the economic globalization not only makes human communication more frequently, but also deepens the influence of between high and low context. But anyway, we should be fully aware of the differences between the high and low context cultures. Meantime, predicting the possible behaviors during intercultural communication can avoid the unnecessary misunderstanding.
  [1]Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter & Lisa A. Stefani. Communication Between Culture. Foreign Language Teaching And research Press.2009
  [2]愛德华·霍尔. 超越文化. 北京:北京大学出版社.2010
摘 要:在初中化学的教学中,教师要完成教学任务,又要在课堂中体现出学生的主体地位,培养学生的全面素质,最好的办法就是实施高校课堂的构建。  关键词:初中化学;主体地位;高效课堂  要构建高效的化学课堂,就必须要科学合理地利用课堂时间,并且在课前精心设计课程。高效课堂在于“高效”二字,包括:学习内容要符合课时安排,尤其要在课堂上充分体现学生的主体地位,教师的主导地位,在学习中培养学生自信、能力、语言
摘 要:随着教育事业的改革,激趣法越来越成为当前语文教育的重点。教学讲究的是老师的“教”和学生的“学”有效的结合起来,提高课堂学习效率。要求老师在教学过程中采用多种教学模式,激发学生对语文的学习兴趣,提高学生的语文成绩。本文将对初中老师如何采取激将法提高学生对语文的学习热情进行详细的分析。  关键词:激趣法;初中语文课堂;灵活应用  一直以来我们的初中语文课堂教学气氛沉闷,学生的学习积极性不高,加
摘 要:通过初中化学的多年教学,使我深深体会到化学用语教学的重要性和必要性,部分学生因为没有在化学用语的学习中过关,导致进一步求知探索的兴趣下降,故采取多种手段帮助学生学好记好化学用语是非常必要的。  关键词:化学用语;教学;问题;过好关  初中化学用语教学是初中化学教学的关键,也是全面提高初中学生化学修养,化学素质的关键,然而初中化学用语的知识分布特点是:散而集中。例如:在第四单元课题2中学生学
化学教学须把培养学习化学的兴趣,提高科学素养放在首要的位置。因此,努力创设生动活泼的学习情景, 激发学生学习化学的兴趣尤为重要。结合自己的教学实践,对初中化学教学中联系生活创设情景实施探究性教学谈几点体会:  一、通过演示实验,创设学习情景,培养探究能力  如何让学生感受到《化学》是一门有趣而又与生活实际紧密相联的科学是化学教师上好第一节化学课的关键,因此,在学习课题1时教师可以设计几个趣味实验,
摘 要:基层党支部是党联系广大人民群众的桥梁和纽带,它扎根于人民群众之中,是人民群众认识党、了解党的窗口,也是党了解人民群众的愿望和诉求的主要渠道。本文结合自身工作实际,通过“一部一品一特色”支部创建,积极推动基层党支部创建,形成了独具特色的企业文化,阐述了加强支部建设的重要性,并在此基础上提出了创建企业基层党支部特色的路径和策略。  关键词:基层;支部建设;创建特色  一、加强企业基层党支部建设
摘要:十八大报告中提出在社会主义初级阶段应加强党的思想建设,强化党员干部完善、提高、净化和革新自身水平的能力。党开展思想建设目的在于确保党在执政过程中始终保持思想上和政治上的先进性和纯洁性,提高建设中国特色社会主义事业的能力,加深党群内部的凝聚力,完善社会主义经济体制,推进现代化事业发展,因此加强党的思想政治建设对中国特色社会主义的建设具有重要推动作用。  关键词:中国特色社会主义;思想建设;价值
摘 要:油田企业作为国家的能源企业,企业的广大党员干部职工就如何积极响应中央的号召,在工作中做到身清气正,要求别人做到的,自己首先要做到;要求别人不做的,自己绝对不做,即所谓“善禁者,先禁其身而后人”。  关键词:党的群众路线;教育实践活动 ;认识  在开展党的群众路线教育实践活动中,为进一步落实中央八项规定精神,要同反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风这“四风”紧密结合起来。油田企业作为国
一、教材分析  《伯牙绝弦》是六年级上册第八组“艺术的魅力”专题中的一篇文言文。全文共77字,5句话,语言凝炼典雅,内涵丰富,是引导学生学习文言文,感受艺术魅力,并受到传统文化熏陶的典范之作。基于教材的特点,从年段教学目标“诵读优秀诗文,注意通过语调、韵律、节奏等体味作品的内容和情感”出发,确定本课教学思路为“读—说—讲—背”。通过朗读、背诵、自学来积累语言,运用语言。  二、学情分析  这篇课文
摘 要:习近平关于“中国梦”的阐述,是把马克思主义理想观念和中国当前社会发展所面临的实际相結合而产生的,它具有丰富的时代内涵。中国梦和大学生们的理想信念有着共同的一致性。所以,在我国高校素质教育快速发展的新历史时期之下,用“中国梦”来统领新时期大学生的理想信念教育,是当前我国各个高校开展大学生理想信念教育工作的首要任务。各个高校应该高度重视这项工作的重要性,把握有利时机,把用“中国梦”统领大学生理
当我们师生同读“弟子规,圣人训,首孝弟……”时,我不由感慨起来,《弟子规》的教育实在是太及时太必要了。“孝”为德之首,无不道理,就是因为缺乏“孝”德,我们的学生才自私、任性、娇气、依赖、以自我为中心、不会关心别人、不懂珍惜时间,对学习缺乏兴趣、我行我素,甚至不尊重父母,不尊重老师。  而使学生缺失“孝”的原因是因为社会的发展,形成现代普遍存在的隔代教育社会现象。因为隔代教育,我们的学生不理解“天下