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这是对本刊1962年第九期钱冬生教授的“系杆拱挠度的计算”一文的讨论意见。陈法臣工程师提出系杆拱挠度的计算与拱的特性有关。首先应判别半孔荷载作用下挠度曲线的类形,以决定全孔加载或半孔加载。如为半孔加载,再求其产生正负挠度的位置与数值。此位置一般不与跨中对称,两点也都不在l/4处,因此其相对挠度不是钱文所提的常数,而与拱的特性有关。这较钱文更进了一步。但按照这篇文章的方法求出的相对挠度只是半拱加载下的最大值,还不是绝对的最大值。因为在一定的加载长度下,如随着拱的特性而可能产生S形挠度曲线的话,则各有其最大的相对挠度值,其中绝对最大值尚需进一步确定。 This is a discussion of the article entitled “Calculation of Tie-arch Deflection” of Professor Qian Dongsheng’s ninth issue of 1962. Chen Facheng engineer put forward the calculation of tie arch deflection and the arch characteristics. First of all, the shape of the deflection curve under half-hole load should be distinguished to determine the full-hole load or half-hole load. If the half-hole loading, and then asked to produce positive and negative deflection of the position and value. This position is generally not symmetrical with the mid-span, neither of which is at l / 4, so its relative deflection is not a constant given by Qian Wen, but rather relates to the characteristics of the arch. This is a step further than Qian Wen. However, the relative deflection calculated according to the method of this article is only the maximum value under half-arch loading, but not the absolute maximum. Because at a certain load length, such as with the arch characteristics may produce S-shaped deflection curve, then have their maximum relative deflection values, of which the absolute maximum needs to be further determined.
[摘要] 词汇作为英语学习中的最大障碍之一,困扰着每个企图冲出英语学习困境的人。在大学阶段,英语学习的关键就是扩大词汇量,因为词汇量的大小直接关系到英语学习者的“听、说、读、写、译”五个方面的技能的提高。本文从扩大外在词汇量和内在词汇量两个方面入手,探讨了记忆英语单词的几种行之有效的方法。  [关键词] 联系外在词汇内在词汇     大学期间英语词汇学习以及记忆的方法都是在词汇学的词源及词根的基本