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在云南省丽江市的工业经济区——华坪县国有企业改革深入开展的今天,记者走访了改革潮头诞生的一家新型现代企业——华坪大华煤炭有限责任公司,目睹了体制改革和先进的管理制度给企业带来的巨大变化。 华坪大华煤炭有限责任公司的前身——华坪县煤炭公司,是一家有三十年历史的国有老企业,包袱重,人员多,产权不清,机制不活。在丽江市委、市政府总体部署,华坪县委、县政府直接指导下实施全面改革,新公司组成了强有力的领导班子。董事长谢仁济、总经理廖定昌都是颇有文化内涵的新生代企业家,他们深入基层工矿,摸清家底,制订具体改革方案,最终使新公司于2003年10月23日正式挂牌运行。 新公司从根本上彻底实现了“两个置换”,职工与原企业解除了劳 In the industrial economic zone of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province - Huaping County State-owned enterprise reform carried out in depth today, the reporter visited the birth of a wave of reform of a new type of modern enterprise - Huaping Dahua Coal Co., Ltd., witnessed the system reform and Advanced management system to bring huge changes to the enterprise. Huaping Dahua Coal Co., Ltd., The predecessor of the predecessor - Huaping County Coal Company, is a 30 - year - old state - owned old enterprises, heavy burden, more personnel, property rights is unclear, the mechanism is not alive. In Lijiang municipal Party committee, municipal government overall deployment, Huaping county Party committee, government under the direct guidance of the implementation of an all-round reform, the new company formed a strong leadership. Xie Renji, chairman of the board, and Liao Dingchang, the general manager, are quite new generation of entrepreneurs with cultural connotations. They went deep into grassroots workplaces to find out the realities of their families and formulate specific reforms. Eventually, the new company was formally put into operation on October 23, 2003. The new company fundamentally realized the “two substitutions,” and the workers and the original enterprises were relieved of their labor
房地产行业曾经一度是我国重要的支柱产业,其对国内经济发展贡献卓著。   在过去改革开放30年间,住房产品不仅是人们的生活必需品,同时又成为居民的一种重要投资产品。由于国
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