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应用包埋前免疫电镜PAP双重反应技术对大鼠下丘脑前部室周区内的生长抑素和神经肽Y的分布进行了超微结构研究。先用DAB法显示神经肽Y反应,然后用钼酸-TMB法显示生长抑素免疫反应,再经DAB-氯化钴稳定后作免疫电镜包埋。光镜观察结果显示在下丘脑室周区内见到生长抑素样神经元和神经肽Y样神经纤维末梢。电镜观察结果显示,生长抑素的钻酸-TMB免疫反应产物呈针状或块状位于胞质内;神经肽Y样神经纤维末梢内见到颗粒状或絮状DAB免疫反应产物分布于小清亮囊泡周围和线粒体膜上。神经肽Y样神经纤维末梢与生长抑素样神经元胞体形成轴-体突触。此外神经肽Y样神经末梢内大颗粒囊泡与突触前膜融合而形成胞吐像。由此可见神经肽Y样神经纤维末梢经过突触或非实触方式作用于下丘脑前部室周区内生长抑素样神经元而调节其分泌活动。 The application of pre-embedded immunohistochemical PAP double reaction technology in the hypothalamus anterior ventricular regional distribution of somatostatin and neuropeptide Y ultrastructural studies. The first use of DAB method shows neuropeptide Y response, and then use molybdenum-TMB method somatostatin immune response, and then stabilized by DAB-cobalt chloride for immunoelectron microscopy. Light microscopy showed that somatostatin-like neurons and neuropeptide Y-like nerve fiber terminals were seen in the hypothalamic ventricular zone. Electron microscopy results show that the somatostatin acid-TMB immunoreaction products acicular or massive in the cytoplasm; neuropeptide Y-like nerve fiber endings seen granular or flocculent DAB immune reaction products are distributed in the small clear Around the vesicles and on the mitochondrial membrane. Neuropeptide Y-like nerve fiber terminals and somatostatin-like neuronal somatic bodies form axonal synapses. In addition neuropeptide Y-like nerve endings within the large vesicle fusion with the presynaptic membrane to form exocytosis. It can be seen that neuropeptide Y-like nerve endings regulate the secretory activity of somatostatin-like neurons in the periventricular zone of the anterior hypothalamus through synaptic or non-real-contact methods.
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