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无牌无证车辆上路行驶是情节较为恶劣的违章行为,由此而引发的肇事逃逸事故或其他事故破案难、责任认定难、调解处理难,是众所周知的。有人认为无牌无证车辆没有取得上路资格,一旦发生交通事故可视作“此时此路无此车,故应负交通事故全部责任.有人认为无牍无证车虽然上了路,但如果与事故的发生没有因果关系,就不负事故责任。究竟应不应负责?本刊2000年第8期“高警督信箱”就此作了明确答复。但甘肃省景泰县农机监理站王积武同志提出不同意见(王积武同志的文章简称“王文”);而在实际办案中,许多地方也是这样做的。本刊今天组织的这个“专题讨论会”旧事重提,目的是通过“论战”分清是非,提高认识,以便从思想上、理论上、方法上时此类事故的责任让定有一个更明晰的规范。 Unlicensed vehicles without a license to drive on the road is a more serious violation of the rules, resulting in the accident escape accident or other accident detection of the case, responsibility is difficult to identify, difficult to mediate, it is well known. Some people think that unlicensed and undocumented vehicles have not been qualified to go ashore. In the event of a traffic accident, they can be regarded as “having no such car at this time, so they are fully responsible for the traffic accident. Some people think that although the unmanaged and unlicensed vehicle is on the road, There is no causal relationship with the accident, it does not take responsibility for the accident should not be responsible ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Dissenting opinion (article by Wang Jiyu referred to as ”Wang Wen“); and in actual handling, many places do the same. The newspaper today organized a ”rehearsal“ of this ”symposium“ to distinguish ”right and wrong“ through ”polemical" , Raising awareness so that the responsibility for such accidents, ideologically, theoretically and methodologically, allows a clearer specification.
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