Of course, young children are naive. However, with the increase of external stimuli, and the development of language ability, some mature factors have begun to break through the naive shell and tenaciously germinate. For example, when you pause for tomorrow, the child will immediately think of tomorrow and Sunday. When you say that your neighbor’s child is sick, he will go on to say that he is still going to kindergarten today. Or should he leave for the teacher on his behalf? When you use the phonetic structure of Chinese characters to teach children to recognize words, arguments, and other words, if he recognizes righteousness, type, and so on, you write another word, test, card and other words, he can Pronounce pronunciation; and so on. These are mature factors in naive. In general, maturity in naive factors is a relatively simple, superficial objective things, many times on the senses of young children, and then through a simple analogy formed a regular understanding of the performance of a