与时俱进 传承创新——对思想品德课程更名的理性思考

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义务教育阶段的品德与生活、思想品德已统一更名为道德与法治。这是自新中国成立以来,“法治”二字首次出现在义务教育阶段政治课程名称中。李圣德同志认为这一举措以社会主义核心价值观为统领,特别关注道德与法治两大主题,连贯性强,重点突出,是对道德教育、心理教育、法治教育的关注,提升了情感体验、道德实践在课程中的特殊价值。作为学科课程对全面依法治国战略的回应,这必将对培养全面发展的学生产生深远的影响。广大道德与法治教师要关注课改变化,把握时代律动,主动作为,努力开创学科课程发展的新局面! During the period of compulsory education, the moral character and life and ideological and moral character have been renamed as morality and the rule of law. This is the first time since the founding of new China that the “rule of law” appeared in the name of the political course of compulsory education. Comrade Li Shengde believes that this measure is guided by the core values ​​of socialism and pays particular attention to the two major themes of morality and rule of law. The coherence and emphasis are the focus of moral education, psychology education and law education, which enhances the emotional experience and moral practice Special value in the course. As the response of the subject curriculum to the strategy of governing the country according to law in an all-round way, this will surely have a far-reaching impact on cultivating all-round development of students. The majority of morality and rule by law teachers should pay attention to curriculum changes, grasp the law of the times, take the initiative, and strive to create a new situation in the development of the subject curriculum!
AIM:TO evaluate the association between X-ray cross- complementing gene 1 (XRCC1) genetic polymorphism Arg399GIn and gastric cancer risk by means of meta- analy
小约翰大声祷告:上帝啊,我生日那天让他们送我一大盒巧克力吧!  妈妈:你嚷什么呀,小点儿声,上帝也听得见。小约翰:我知道,可是在隔壁的爷爷听不见呀!
Baker’s yeast number 6 was selected by screening. It showed good catalytic activity and enantioselec-tivity for asymmetric reduction of 2,5-hexanedione to prod