A Research on the Effectiveness of Middle School’ English Teacher Talk

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  Abstract: This research apply the ways of both questionnaire and interview, and analyze from four parts: lead in, questioning, teachers’ feedback, interactional modification, then the author come up with some suggestions for teachers about improving the effectiveness of middle school English teachers' talk.
  Key words: Teacher talk; Classroom efficiency; Middle school
  In recent years, in the field of foreign language teaching and research in China, the focus has been shifted from the study of teachers' teaching to the students' learning. In 2017, implementing new English Curriculum Standard has brought new requirement for teacher discourse in English classes. English teacher should pay attention to the establishment situation which is expected to be vivid, close to reality, and meet the need of language we used in normal life.
  The analysis of lead in
  As the questionnaire result shows , about half students answer that their teachers lead in time take up 2 to 5 minutes, 23.5% teachers take up less than 2 minutes, and 25.5% take up between 5 to 10 minutes, no teacher spend more than 10 minutes.
  Then the auther analyze the correlation between lead in time and student’s grade, it shows that the significance is valid.The author also make a statistics about the expectation that student hope the way the teacher lead in.Most of the students hope their teachers lead in with interest , only a few of them hope teachers lead in as simple as possible ,and no one hope there is no lead in part at all.
  The analysis of questioning
  In an English class ,which type of questioning take more proportion? Referential questions or
  display questions Display questions Display questions
  What is your opinion about which type of questioning can improve classroom efficiency? Why? Referential questions
  1 The answer isn’t unique, so student need to think deeply.
  2 Encourage students
  to express their own thought Referential questions
  1 providing more
  opportunities to express.
  2 Pay more attention to class because there is no fixed answer in any material.
  The analysis of interactional modification talk time
  In this research, the author collects the data of the using times in the classroom about interactional modification.
  As the result shows, more than half students point that teachers have less than 10 minutes for interactional modification. About 33.3% students consider the time for interactional modification is between 10 minutes to 20 minutes, less than 10% consider the time is between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. From the interview with three students,the author find that they hope they could have more oppertunities to communicate with teachers in classes, through communicating, their questions can be coped, at the same time the students’ mistakes can be corrected, in this way the study efficiency can be raised.   The analysis of teacher feedback
  From the questionnaire shows that 37.5% teachers give a feedback with general praise, 35.5% teachers give a feedback with praise and repeat the answer, only 13.7% teachers can give a praise and comments as feedback. As we all known, 13.7% is not enough. Next the author will explore the correlation between grades and types of feedback.
  It shows a significant correlation between grade and the type of feedback.
  Specific positive feedback contains some more details than some simply words, such as “very good”, “ good answer”, and well done, etc. An effective feedback can help student realize how good or how worse he has made, and what aspects he need to improve.
  Therefore teachers should alter their concept of teaching and learn something about how to construct an efficient English classroom.They should try to reduce teachers’ show time in the English classroom and increase the students’ time to fully express themselves. Furthermore, they should have more communication during the class, due to the particularity of the English course, which is a communicative subject, it requires more effective interaction. Finally, more feedback should be given to students, they need those kind of information ,and they can learn a lot from a right feedback.
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摘要:本文即综合分析当前农村信息技术课堂教学现存的问题,并针对这些问题探讨信息技术课堂教学的有效策略。  关键词:农村;信息技术;课堂教学;分析  引言:  信息技术行业在现代社会发展前景优越,基本信息技术技能也成为学生必备的一项技能,可见初中信息技术课程的必要性与重要性,其教学的现状以及进一步的完善也是备受关注的热点话题。  一、存在的问题  (一)硬件设施的缺乏  设施的缺乏是当前农村信息技术
摘要:因为应试教育是简单劳动,它带给学生和教师的一定是痛苦和灾难;只有教改科研这样的创造性劳动,才能给教师带来个体价值自我实现的成就感和幸福感。①一堂成功的语文课堂教学,其中各个环节必将充满技巧性和趣味性,本文试从课堂教学中的第一环节“导入”来探讨其中的趣味性。  关键词:课堂教学;导入;趣味性;方法  对于小说来说:“没有故事的人生是乏味的人生”;而对于语文教学而言:“没有趣味的课堂也必定是缺少
摘要:《小学数学课程标准》指出:“数学学习的内容要有利于学生主动地进行自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。”即提倡学生的自主学习。本文简要介绍了自主学习的含义,并进一步针对数学的学科特征,阐述教师是如何培养小学生自主学习数学的能力。  关键词:数学教学;自主学习;能力培养  陶行知先生说过:“先生的责任不在于教,而在教学。”这就告诉我们的教学不应该让学生步步紧跟在老师后面的学习,而是培养学
摘要:随着社会的发展,社会的融合度越来越大,世界教育格局也呈现多元化发展,我国教育事业的发展也受到了很大的影响。关于高等教育与文化素质教育的必然性是高等院校人才培养的必然研究。笔者前期对我国当前高等教育与美育的发展作了一定研究,美育的终极目标即文化素质教育的提升,因此,以此文作为笔者前期研究的总结探讨,并且希望对目前我国的高等教育做出一定的贡献。  关键词:高等教育;多元化;实践创新  一、透析当
摘要:对于高校思想政治理论课教学而言,大数据技术是极具应用价值的技术分支。当前高校思想政治理论教学课程存在教法教育质量不佳等诸多问题,本文以大数据为视角,分析了大数据的内涵与特征,对大数据时代下高校思政理论工作所面临的挑战展开研究,对教学方法的改革思路进行了深入分析。以期对高校思政理论课教学人员教学改革提供有益参考。  关键词:大数据;思想政治理论课;实效性  高校思想政治理论课程是对高校青年学生
摘要:本文从三重积分的物理意义出发,推导出被积函数为正时的三重积分的两种计算公式,最后通过两个恒为正的函数作差来构造出一个一般函数,得到更一般意义下的三重积分的计算公式。  关键词:三重积分;物理意义;计算公式  一般地,关于三重积分在直角坐标系下的计算,教材中只给出了简单、抽象的推导过程,本文从三重积分的物理意义出发,推导出三重积分的计算公式,增加学生对三重积分计算方法的理解。  问题引入:首先
摘要:如今我国的教育越来越推崇素质教育,素质教育下对如何能提高高中地理学习的效率提出了更高的要求,应该改变传统的教学模式,创新新的学习模式,提高学生们的热情。本文围绕着这一点对高中地理教学中互动教学的应用展开了探究。  关键词:高中地理;互动教学;教学情境  引言:  长时期以来,我国来各学科都严重受到传统教学影响,且在高考的重压之下,高中地理在实际的教学过程中,教师采用的都是教师讲、学生听的填鸭
摘要:中国小学音乐教学整体上还停留在初级阶段,音乐课堂没有充分发掘学生的内在音乐潜力,在培养学生的音乐兴趣上也收效甚微。律动与音乐本就一体,大部分音乐课堂都忽略学生的律动教学,在课堂上实现音乐律动教学有益于增强学生对音乐的感受能力,全面提高学生的音乐素养。  关键词:律动教学;小学;音乐课堂  在中国,小学音乐科目一直得不到重视,大部分的小学音乐课堂都流于形式,课堂的主要学习内容便是单纯唱歌,不管