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智能家居不是一个新概念在过去数年里,随着以智能手机为核心的应用及服务不断发展和广泛渗透,以及传感器和物联网技术的持续进步,智能家居产品已经走向普通家庭。现在流行的家用扫地机器人在几年前还是个新生事物,如今家用智能摄像头已经在防止入室盗窃、保护家庭安全方面发挥着作用。除了这些新的应用领域,智能家居技术的进步还意味着对人们熟视无睹的传统家电领域的改造升级,带来新的应用体验和使用场景, Smart Home is Not a New Concept Over the past few years, smart home products have moved toward the average home as the smart phone-centric applications and services continue to grow and penetrate, and sensor and IoT technologies continue to improve. Now popular home sweeping robot is still a new thing a few years ago, now home smart camera has been in preventing burglary, to play a role in the protection of family safety. In addition to these new areas of application, advances in smart home technology also mean the transformation and upgrading of the traditional home appliance market, which has turned a blind eye to people, to bring about new application experiences and usage scenarios.
科索沃战争,证明了当今国际关系的特点仍然是: 政治上,强权即公理; 经济上,有奶便是娘; 文化上,水往高处流。在这种形势下,所谓全球一体化只有在经济领域可望实现,在这一领
法学教育正由知识型向素质型转变,在探索适宜的法学素质教育途径中,模拟法庭作为一种行之有效、务实且目的明确的教学方法,其重要性日益凸显。 Law education is changing f
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