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本文从采购供应商管理的重要性、强化供应商的选择、严格入库检验、加强产品检验及质量问题处理力度、供应商动态考评等方面,系统对比研究国内外供应商管理的现状与差异。本论文的创新点有以下几点:1.将新供应商认证过程视为供应商选择的起点,它是对供应商的供应资格和能力的一种鉴定,以此来规避采购环节一些不必要的隐患,保证供应商整体队伍的质量,从而使整体供应链具有较强的竞争力。2.首次系统总结采购管理的重要性及供应商的选择的全过程,将供应商选择评价与供应商的绩效考核设计为供应商管理中两个重要的环节,前者是采购业务的起始阶段,后者则属于业务往来中的追踪监督过程,二者相辅相成,绩效考核的内容是进行选择评价的依据,而选择评价是绩效考核的基础,二者相互影响,促成供应商合作关系有效开展。3.全面深刻剖析国内外供应商管理的现状与差异,大胆提出学习改进的方面,以提高供应产品质量为最终目的。 This article systematically compares the status quo and differences of supplier management at home and abroad from the aspects of the importance of purchasing supplier management, supplier selection enhancement, strict warehousing inspection, strengthening product inspection and quality problem handling, and supplier dynamic evaluation. The innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. The new supplier certification process as a starting point for supplier selection, it is an identification of suppliers of supply capacity and capacity, in order to avoid some unnecessary procurement links Hidden dangers, to ensure the overall quality of suppliers, so that the overall supply chain has a strong competitive edge. 2. The first systematic summary of the importance of procurement management and supplier selection process, the supplier selection evaluation and supplier performance evaluation design for the two important aspects of supplier management, the former is the beginning of the procurement business , While the latter belongs to the process of follow-up supervision in business transactions. The two are mutually reinforcing. The content of performance appraisal is the basis for selecting appraisals, and the appraisal of appraisals is the basis of performance appraisal. Both of them influence each other and promote the effective cooperation of suppliers. 3.A comprehensive and profound analysis of the current situation and differences of supplier management at home and abroad, boldly put forward aspects of learning improvement, in order to improve the quality of the supply of products for the ultimate goal.
多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,MODS)是指机体在遭受严重创伤、感染、中毒、烧伤和大手术等急性应激性损害24 h后,同时或序贯出现的两个或两个以上脏器功能障碍甚至衰竭的临床综合征.在概念上强调引发MODS的原发致病因素是急性的,不包括慢性疾病器官退化时的功能失代偿.MODS分为原发性和继发性,原发性MODS由原发致病因素直接引起,继发