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本文的中心思想是分析批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的两个不同价值思路。一种是基于主权原则而产生的国内法治途径,根据此种分析方法,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所确认的普遍人权在我国国内法上只具有与公约批准机关全国人大常委会制定的法律所保护的权利相同的效力。为此,批准公约时就必须考虑宪法所规定的各种宪法权利、全国人大制定的法律中所保护的权利如何在法律效力上优越于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所确认的普遍人权,并以此来对不一致的规定在批准公约时实行必要的保留或者是作出解释性声明。另一种思路是基于“人权入宪”的契机,承认《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中所规定的普遍人权已经被宪法所肯定,成为我国宪法所保护的个人所享有的宪法权利的一部分。由此产生的问题就是在批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》后如何制定一部整合国际人权公约中的普遍人权和宪法所保护的公民的基本权利以及其他法律、法规所保护的个人权利的统一的人权保障法《中华人民共和国人权保障法》,通过该法,基于人权保护的一般理论来建立国内法上的人权保护体系。 The central idea of ​​this article is to analyze and approve two different value ideas of “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.” One is based on the principle of sovereignty and the resulting domestic rule of law approach, according to this analysis, “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” identified in the universal human rights in our country only with the Convention approved the NPC Standing Committee to develop The same rights as those protected by law. For this reason, when ratifying the Convention, various constitutional rights stipulated in the Constitution must be considered and how the rights protected by the laws enacted by the NPC are superior in legal validity to the universal human rights recognized in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , And as a result of the inconsistent rules imposing the necessary reservations or making interpretative declarations when ratifying the Convention. Another way of thinking is based on the opportunity of “human rights into the Constitution,” recognizing that the universal human rights set forth in the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” have been affirmed by the Constitution and have become the constitutional rights enjoyed by individuals protected by our Constitution a part of. The resulting question is how to formulate a universal human rights framework enshrined in the ICCPR after the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the basic rights of citizens protected by the Constitution and other individual rights protected by other laws and regulations The uniform law of human rights protection The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Human Rights establishes the system of protection of human rights in domestic law through this law and based on the general theory of human rights protection.
犹太裔作家以撒·辛格曾说:“世界有这么多的苦难,唯一的补偿是:生活中小小的欢乐、小小的悬念。”  细细数来,生活中值得开心的事真的不多,可烦恼、忧心的事情却总能碰到;生老病死、工作压力、生活负担……有研究发现,孩子每天平均会笑400次,而成人平均每天只笑15次。当我们拥有更多的能力和财富时,快乐去哪儿了呢?  瑞典心理学家亚思伯教授提出:“耗竭漏斗”的理论:很多越是觉得自己对生活认真。负责的人,情
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1. I’m sorry, Dr. Brown ______ speak to you now—she’s got someone with her.   A. needn’tB. can’tC. mustn’tD. may not  2. You ______ get very nasty skin diseases from bathing in dirty water.   A. can